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Diverse Lifestyles and Strategies of Plant Pathogenesis Encoded in the Genomes of Eighteen Dothideomycetes Fungi

Figure 3

Whole-genome DNA comparison of Cochliobolus heterostrophus C5 to progressively distantly related organisms reveals the process leading from macrosynteny to mesosynteny.

A. Strains C4 and C5 of C. heterostrophus are progeny of C. heterostrophus backcrosses and show clear macrosynteny. B. When C. heterostrophus C5 is compared to C. sativus, macrosynteny is observed. However, intra-chromosomal inversions are observed in several comparisons of scaffold pairs. C. Numerous intra-chromosomal inversions have occurred in all scaffolds when compared to Setosphaeria turcica. D. A pattern of mesosynteny is observed when compared to Stagonospora nodorum. Syntenic regions are short and spread across the scaffold pairs. Scaffolds in this figure are not drawn to scale and only a subset of the scaffolds is depicted.

Figure 3
