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Early Target Cells of Measles Virus after Aerosol Infection of Non-Human Primates

Figure 2

Early rMVKSEGFP replication in the respiratory tract.

(A) Virus isolation performed from nose and throat swabs (left two panels), and from BAL cells (right panel). Each symbol represents an individual animal, bars indicate the geometric mean. Key: VI: virus isolation; d.p.i.: days post infection. (B) Live cell confocal microscopy performed on agarose-inflated lung slices from animals on 2 and 3 d.p.i. EGFP+ cells are shown in green, DAPI was used to counter stain nuclei (blue). Three images were collected, labeled i, ii and iii. Panels iia and iib show infected cells in one image from different orientations. Matching 3D-videos for (Bi, Bii and Biii) are available as supporting data.

Figure 2
