About the Authors

Anne-Sophie Bergot

Affiliation The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Neill Ford

Affiliation The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Graham R. Leggatt

Affiliation The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

James W. Wells

Contributed equally to this work with: James W. Wells, Ian H. Frazer, Michele A. Grimbaldeston

Affiliation The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Ian H. Frazer

Contributed equally to this work with: James W. Wells, Ian H. Frazer, Michele A. Grimbaldeston


Affiliation The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Michele A. Grimbaldeston

Contributed equally to this work with: James W. Wells, Ian H. Frazer, Michele A. Grimbaldeston

Affiliation Division of Human Immunology, Centre for Cancer Biology, University of South Australia and SA Pathology, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: ASB NF GRL JWW IHF MAG. Performed the experiments: ASB NF. Analyzed the data: ASB NF JWW IHF MAG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ASB MAG. Wrote the paper: ASB GRL JWW MAG IHF.