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Showing 92 - 101 of 101

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Characteristic Male Urine Microbiomes Associate with Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infection

David E. Nelson, Barbara Van Der Pol,  [ ... ], J. Dennis Fortenberry

Structure Activity Relationship of Dendrimer Microbicides with Dual Action Antiviral Activity

David Tyssen, Scott A. Henderson,  [ ... ], Gilda Tachedjian

Temporal Variability of Human Vaginal Bacteria and Relationship with Bacterial Vaginosis

Sujatha Srinivasan, Congzhou Liu,  [ ... ], David N. Fredricks

Intravaginal Practices, Vaginal Infections and HIV Acquisition: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Adriane Martin Hilber, Suzanna C. Francis,  [ ... ], Nicola Low

Fellatio by Fruit Bats Prolongs Copulation Time

Min Tan, Gareth Jones,  [ ... ], Libiao Zhang

Social Structure Predicts Genital Morphology in African Mole-Rats

Marianne L. Seney, Diane A. Kelly,  [ ... ], Nancy G. Forger

Coevolution of Male and Female Genital Morphology in Waterfowl

Patricia L.R. Brennan, Richard O. Prum,  [ ... ], Tim R. Birkhead

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