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Showing 79 - 91 of 101

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Dysregulation of Protease and Protease Inhibitors in a Mouse Model of Human Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Madhusudhan Budatha, Simone Silva,  [ ... ], Hiromi Yanagisawa

Nanoparticle Transport from Mouse Vagina to Adjacent Lymph Nodes

Byron Ballou, Susan K. Andreko,  [ ... ], Mohamed E. Labib

Acceptability of Carraguard Vaginal Microbicide Gel among HIV-Infected Women in Chiang Rai, Thailand

Sara J. Whitehead, Catherine McLean,  [ ... ], Lauri E. Markowitz

Th17 Cells and IL-17 in Protective Immunity to Vaginal Candidiasis

Donatella Pietrella, Anna Rachini,  [ ... ], Anna Vecchiarelli

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