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Showing 14 - 26 of 101

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Use and perceptions on reusable and non-reusable menstrual products in Spain: A mixed-methods study

Laura Medina-Perucha, Tomàs López-Jiménez,  [ ... ], Anna Berenguera

Acceptability of an extended duration vaginal ring for HIV prevention and interest in a multi-purpose ring

Marie C. D. Stoner, Erica N. Browne,  [ ... ], Ariane van der Straten

Vaginal microbiome of women with adenomyosis: A case-control study

Jitsupa Kunaseth, Wanwisa Waiyaput,  [ ... ], Areepan Sophonsritsuk

The vaginal Torquetenovirus titer varies with vaginal microbiota composition in pregnant women

Tania Regina Tozetto-Mendoza, Maria C. Mendes-Correa,  [ ... ], Steven S. Witkin

Effect of radiofrequency and pelvic floor muscle training in the treatment of women with vaginal laxity: A study protocol

Gláucia Miranda Varella Pereira, Cássia Raquel Teatin Juliato,  [ ... ], Luiz Gustavo Oliveira Brito

Cervical cytology and associated factors among tribal women of Karnataka, India

Supriti Ghosh, Sanjay M. Pattanshetty,  [ ... ], Ranjitha S. Shetty

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