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Anesthetic protocols for urodynamic studies of the lower urinary tract in small rodents—A systematic review

Abdelkhalek Samy Abdelkhalek, Haroun Ali Youssef,  [ ... ], Peter Zvara

Linalool acts as a fast and reversible anesthetic in Hydra

Tapan Goel, Rui Wang,  [ ... ], Eva-Maria S. Collins

Distinct parafacial regions in control of breathing in adult rats

Robert T. R. Huckstepp, Kathryn P. Cardoza, Lauren E. Henderson, Jack L. Feldman

Antibacterial effects of the artificial surface of nanoimprinted moth-eye film

Kiyoshi Minoura, Miho Yamada,  [ ... ], Tatsuo Suzutani

Isoform-Specific Effects of Wild-Type Ras Genes on Carcinogen-Induced Lung Tumorigenesis in Mice

Jamie D. Weyandt, John M. Carney,  [ ... ], Christopher M. Counter

AKT1E17K Is Oncogenic in Mouse Lung and Cooperates with Chemical Carcinogens in Inducing Lung Cancer

Donatella Malanga, Stefania Belmonte,  [ ... ], Giuseppe Viglietto

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