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Showing 14 - 26 of 29

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Effects of Anesthetics on the Renal Sympathetic Response to Anaphylactic Hypotension in Rats

Lingling Sun, Mamoru Tanida,  [ ... ], Toshishige Shibamoto

Systematic Regional Variations in Purkinje Cell Spiking Patterns

Jianqiang Xiao, Nadia L. Cerminara,  [ ... ], Eric J. Lang

Queckenstedt's Test Affects More than Jugular Venous Congestion in Rat

Chi-Hsiang Chou, Ming-Luen Doong,  [ ... ], Shuu-Jiun Wang

Targeted Deletion of Nrf2 Reduces Urethane-Induced Lung Tumor Development in Mice

Alison K. Bauer, Hye-Youn Cho,  [ ... ], Steven R. Kleeberger

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