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Showing 1 - 13 of 92

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Molecular evidence of parallel evolution in a cyanophage

Jesslyn Tjendra, Julia E. Storesund,  [ ... ], Selina Våge

Virtual 2D map of cyanobacterial proteomes

Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Yugal Kishore Mohanta,  [ ... ], Ahmed Al-Harrasi

Farming on Mars: Treatment of basaltic regolith soil and briny water simulants sustains plant growth

Pooja Kasiviswanathan, Elizabeth D. Swanner, Larry J. Halverson, Paramasivan Vijayapalani

Persistent El Niño driven shifts in marine cyanobacteria populations

Alyse A. Larkin, Allison R. Moreno,  [ ... ], Adam C. Martiny

The first characterization of airborne cyanobacteria and microalgae in the Adriatic Sea region

Kinga A. Wiśniewska, Sylwia Śliwińska-Wilczewska, Anita U. Lewandowska

Natural transformation of the filamentous cyanobacterium Phormidium lacuna

Fabian Nies, Marion Mielke, Janko Pochert, Tilman Lamparter

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