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Brain-Computer Interface Based on Generation of Visual Images

Pavel Bobrov, Alexander Frolov,  [ ... ], Alexander Zhavoronkov

Illegal Substance Use among Italian High School Students: Trends over 11 Years (1999–2009)

Sabrina Molinaro, Valeria Siciliano,  [ ... ], Fabio Mariani

The Changes in China's Forests: An Analysis Using the Forest Identity

Lei Shi, Shuqing Zhao, Zhiyao Tang, Jingyun Fang

Statistical Coding and Decoding of Heartbeat Intervals

Fausto Lucena, Allan Kardec Barros, José C. Príncipe, Noboru Ohnishi

Educational Attainment: A Genome Wide Association Study in 9538 Australians

Nicolas W. Martin, Sarah E. Medland,  [ ... ], Nicholas G. Martin

Pop Up Satellite Tags Impair Swimming Performance and Energetics of the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Caroline Methling, Christian Tudorache, Peter V. Skov, John F. Steffensen

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