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Showing 69,226 - 69,238 of 73,882

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Seropositivity and Risk Factors Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Wild Birds from Spain

Oscar Cabezón, Ignacio García-Bocanegra,  [ ... ], Sonia Almería

Age-Related Neural Dedifferentiation in the Motor System

Joshua Carp, Joonkoo Park,  [ ... ], Thad A. Polk

Dental Occlusion in a Split Amazon Indigenous Population: Genetics Prevails over Environment

David Normando, Jorge Faber, João Farias Guerreiro, Cátia Cardoso Abdo Quintão

Psychophysiological Correlates of Sexually and Non-Sexually Motivated Attention to Film Clips in a Workload Task

Sandra Carvalho, Jorge Leite, Santiago Galdo-Álvarez, Óscar F. Gonçalves

Adults' Awareness of Faces Follows Newborns' Looking Preferences

Timo Stein, Marius V. Peelen, Philipp Sterzer

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