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Showing 69,200 - 69,212 of 73,882

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Controlling the Spread of Disease in Schools

Benjamin J. Ridenhour, Alexis Braun, Thomas Teyrasse, David Goldsman

Interleukin 15 Levels in Serum May Predict a Severe Disease Course in Patients with Early Arthritis

Isidoro González-Álvaro, Ana M. Ortiz,  [ ... ], Rosario García-Vicuña

Functional Connectivity Analyses in Imaging Genetics: Considerations on Methods and Data Interpretation

Johannes Bedenbender, Frieder M. Paulus,  [ ... ], Andreas Jansen

The Aging of Biomedical Research in the United States

Kirstin R. W. Matthews, Kara M. Calhoun, Nathan Lo, Vivian Ho

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