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Cooperation under Indirect Reciprocity and Imitative Trust

Serguei Saavedra, David Smith, Felix Reed-Tsochas

Contextual Modulation of Biases in Face Recognition

Fatima Maria Felisberti, Louisa Pavey

The Calculus of Committee Composition

Eric Libby, Leon Glass

Virtue or Pretense? Looking behind Self-Declared Innocence in Doping

Andrea Petróczi, Eugene V. Aidman,  [ ... ], Declan P. Naughton

Generous Leaders and Selfish Underdogs: Pro-Sociality in Despotic Macaques

Jorg J. M. Massen, Lisette M. van den Berg, Berry M. Spruijt, Elisabeth H. M. Sterck

Altruism in Forest Chimpanzees: The Case of Adoption

Christophe Boesch, Camille Bolé, Nadin Eckhardt, Hedwige Boesch

Testosterone Administration Decreases Generosity in the Ultimatum Game

Paul J. Zak, Robert Kurzban,  [ ... ], William Matzner

Chimpanzees Help Each Other upon Request

Shinya Yamamoto, Tatyana Humle, Masayuki Tanaka

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