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Showing 1 - 13 of 395

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A combination of topical and systemic administration of brimonidine is neuroprotective in the murine optic nerve crush model

Ruta Maciulaitiene, Giedrius Kalesnykas, Dainius Haroldas Pauza, Ingrida Januleviciene

Efficacy of citicoline as a supplement in glaucoma patients: A systematic review

Julia Prinz, Verena Prokosch,  [ ... ], Filippo Migliorini

Retinal transcriptome of neonatal mice after optic nerve injury

Shi-Qi Yao, Meng Wang,  [ ... ], Ling-Ping Cen

Blood flow in the optic nerve head in patients with primary aldosteronism

Kazuyuki Hirooka, Kenji Oki,  [ ... ], Yoshiaki Kiuchi

In vivo chromatic and spatial tuning of foveolar retinal ganglion cells in Macaca fascicularis

Tyler Godat, Nicolas P. Cottaris,  [ ... ], David R. Williams

Incentive conflict and supply contracts under carbon cap policy

Mithu Rani Kuiti, Preetam Basu, Debabrata Ghosh

Glaucoma and Alzheimer: Neurodegenerative disorders show an adrenergic dysbalance

Bettina Hohberger, Harald Prüss,  [ ... ], Gerd Wallukat

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