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Showing 14 - 26 of 395

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Retinal cholesterol metabolism is perturbated in response to experimental glaucoma in the rat

Elise Léger-Charnay, Ségolène Gambert,  [ ... ], Elodie A. Y. Masson

Deficits in color detection in patients with Alzheimer disease

Hee Jin Kim, Jae Hyun Ryou,  [ ... ], Doug Hyun Han

Molecular studies into cell biological role of Copine-4 in Retinal Ganglion Cells

Manvi Goel, Angel M. Aponte, Graeme Wistow, Tudor C. Badea

Scalable and accurate method for neuronal ensemble detection in spiking neural networks

Rubén Herzog, Arturo Morales,  [ ... ], Rodrigo Cofré

Utilizing a responsive web portal for studying disc tracing agreement in retinal images

Abdullah Sarhan, Andrew Swift,  [ ... ], Andrew Crichton

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