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Showing 1 - 13 of 498

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Symmetrical choices and biased confidence during uncertain personality trait judgments

Lorenz Weise, Barbara Drüke, Siegfried Gauggel, Verena Mainz

Visual short-term memory for crossed and uncrossed binocular disparities

Vanda Ágnes Nemes, János Radó,  [ ... ], Péter Buzás

Testing the validity of online psychophysical measurement of body image perception

Jiří Gumančík, Piers L. Cornelissen,  [ ... ], Katri K. Cornelissen

Analysis of peak locomotor demands in women’s football–the influence of different epoch lengths

Ivan Baptista, Andreas K. Winther, Dag Johansen, Svein Arne Pettersen

Restoration of normal central pain processing following manual therapy in nonspecific chronic neck pain

Josu Zabala Mata, Jon Jatsu Azkue,  [ ... ], Ion Lascurain-Aguirrebeña

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