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Showing 1 - 13 of 78

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Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in Thai scleroderma patients and associated factors

Wichien Sirithanaphol, Ajanee Mahakkanukrauh, Ratanavadee Nanagara, Chingching Foocharoen

Women’s techniques for pleasure from anal touch: Results from a U.S. probability sample of women ages 18–93

Devon J. Hensel, Christiana D. von Hippel, Charles C. Lapage, Robert H. Perkins

Resveratrol-nitric oxide donor hybrid effect on priapism in sickle cell and nitric oxide-deficient mouse

Andressa Kely Pinheiro, Dalila Andrade Pereira,  [ ... ], Fábio Henrique Silva

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