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Showing 1 - 13 of 52

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Temporal convolutional network for a Fast DNA mutation detection in breast cancer data

Untari Novia Wisesty, Tati Rajab Mengko, Ayu Purwarianti, Adi Pancoro

FHbp variants among meningococci of serogroup B in Italy: Evolution and selective pressure, 2014–2017

Alessandra Lo Presti, Anna Carannante,  [ ... ], Paola Stefanelli

Crystal structure of an RNA/DNA strand exchange junction

Joshua C. Cofsky, Gavin J. Knott, Christine L. Gee, Jennifer A. Doudna

mRNA codon optimization with quantum computers

Dillion M. Fox, Kim M. Branson, Ross C. Walker

U2 snRNA structure is influenced by SF3A and SF3B proteins but not by SF3B inhibitors

Veronica K. Urabe, Meredith Stevers, Arun K. Ghosh, Melissa S. Jurica

Vertical lossless genomic data compression tools for assembled genomes: A systematic literature review

Kelvin V. Kredens, Juliano V. Martins,  [ ... ], Bráulio C. Ávila

Combining signal and sequence to detect RNA polymerase initiation in ATAC-seq data

Ignacio J. Tripodi, Murad Chowdhury, Margaret Gruca, Robin D. Dowell

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