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Showing 911 - 923 of 930

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Impulsivity and the 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism in a Non-Clinical Sample

Guilherme M. Lage, Leandro F. Malloy-Diniz,  [ ... ], Humberto Corrêa

Reference Data for the Ruff Figural Fluency Test Stratified by Age and Educational Level

Gerbrand J. Izaks, Hanneke Joosten,  [ ... ], Joris P. Slaets

The Shine-Through Masking Paradigm Is a Potential Endophenotype of Schizophrenia

Eka Chkonia, Maya Roinishvili,  [ ... ], Andreas Brand

Adenotonsillectomy and Neurocognitive Deficits in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing

Mark J. Kohler, Kurt Lushington,  [ ... ], Declan Kennedy

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