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Human Stiff-Person Syndrome IgG Induces Anxious Behavior in Rats

Christian Geis, Andreas Weishaupt,  [ ... ], Claudia Sommer

Duplication of the SLIT3 Locus on 5q35.1 Predisposes to Major Depressive Disorder

Joseph T. Glessner, Kai Wang,  [ ... ], Hakon Hakonarson

Impaired Attribution of Emotion to Facial Expressions in Anxiety and Major Depression

Liliana R. Demenescu, Rudie Kortekaas, Johan A. den Boer, André Aleman

Association of Polyaminergic Loci With Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Attempted Suicide

Laura M. Fiori, Brigitte Wanner,  [ ... ], Gustavo Turecki

The Impact of Coping Style on Gaze Duration

Tim Klucken, Anne-Marie Brouwer,  [ ... ], Juergen Hennig

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