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Showing 1 - 13 of 56

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Characterization of the rat pituitary capsule: Evidence that the cerebrospinal fluid filled the pituitary cleft and the inner side of the capsule

Edgar Giovanhi Gómez-Domínguez, César Gabriel Toriz,  [ ... ], María Eugenia Mendoza-Garrido

Lectin binding and gel secretion within Lorenzinian electroreceptors of Polyodon

David F. Russell, Wenjuan Zhang, Thomas C. Warnock, Lilia L. Neiman

Mesopolysaccharides: The extracellular surface layer of visceral organs

Willi L. Wagner, Yifan Zheng,  [ ... ], Steven J. Mentzer

Rhombic organization of microvilli domains found in a cell model of the human intestine

Jonas Franz, Jonas Grünebaum,  [ ... ], Christoph Riethmüller

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