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Showing 14 - 26 of 56

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Rebamipide protects against glaucoma eyedrop-induced ocular surface disorders in rabbits

Ichiro Kawaguchi, Akira Kobayashi,  [ ... ], Kazuhisa Sugiyama

Nanoscale Imaging Reveals a Tetraspanin-CD9 Coordinated Elevation of Endothelial ICAM-1 Clusters

Jonas Franz, Benjamin F. Brinkmann,  [ ... ], Christoph Riethmüller

Comparing Two Intestinal Porcine Epithelial Cell Lines (IPECs): Morphological Differentiation, Function and Metabolism

Constanze Nossol, Anicò Barta-Böszörményi,  [ ... ], Hermann-Josef Rothkötter

Simulation and Analysis of Tethering Behavior of Neutrophils with Pseudopods

Anne D. Rocheleau, Ronen Sumagin, Ingrid H. Sarelius, Michael R. King

Development of the Olfactory Epithelium and Nasal Glands in TMEM16A-/- and TMEM16A+/+ Mice

Devendra Kumar Maurya, Tiago Henriques,  [ ... ], Anna Menini

Effect of Cold Plasma on Glial Cell Morphology Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy

Nina Recek, Xiaoqian Cheng,  [ ... ], Jonathan Sherman

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