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The final walk with preptin

Lucie Mrázková, Marta Lubos,  [ ... ], Lenka Žáková

A hybrid Transformer-LSTM model apply to glucose prediction

QingXiang Bian, Azizan As’arry,  [ ... ], Raja Mohd Kamil bin Raja Ahmad

shRNA-mediated down-regulation of Acsl1 reverses skeletal muscle insulin resistance in obese C57BL6/J mice

Kamila Roszczyc-Owsiejczuk, Monika Imierska,  [ ... ], Piotr Zabielski

Trends in diabetes medication prescribing from 2018 to 2021: A cross-sectional analysis

Jessica Riad, Fred Abdelmalek, Noah Ivers, Mina Tadrous

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