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  • Global Rhes knockout in the Q175 Huntington’s disease mouse model

    Taneli Heikkinen, Timo Bragge, Juha Kuosmanen, Teija Parkkari, Sanna Gustafsson, Mei Kwan, Jose Beltran, Afshin Ghavami, Srinivasa Subramaniam, Neelam Shahani, Uri Nimrod Ramírez-Jarquín, Larry Park, Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuán, Deanna M. Marchionini

    published 14 Oct 2021

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  • Cognitive decline in Huntington’s disease in the Digitalized Arithmetic Task (DAT)

    Marine Lunven, Jennifer Hamet Bagnou, Katia Youssov, Alexis Gabadinho, Rafika Fliss, Justine Montillot, Etienne Audureau, Blanche Bapst, Graça Morgado, Ralf Reilmann, Robin Schubert, Monica Busse, David Craufurd, Renaud Massart, Anne Rosser, Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi

    published 23 Aug 2021

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