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Showing 1 - 13 of 483

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Dietary intervention rescues a bone porosity phenotype in a murine model of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)

Alexandra K. O’Donohue, Xiaoying C. Li,  [ ... ], Aaron Schindeler

Revisiting the NPcis mouse model: A new tool to model plexiform neurofibroma

Camille Plante, Teddy Mohamad,  [ ... ], Jean-Philippe Brosseau

Transposable element insertions in 1000 Swedish individuals

Kristine Bilgrav Saether, Daniel Nilsson,  [ ... ], Anna Lindstrand

Is retina affected in Huntington’s disease? Is optical coherence tomography a good biomarker?

Pavel Dusek, Ales Kopal,  [ ... ], Jana Lizrova Preiningerova

Merlin tumor suppressor function is regulated by PIP2-mediated dimerization

Robert F. Hennigan, Craig S. Thomson,  [ ... ], Nancy Ratner

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