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Showing 27 - 39 of 2,313

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Determinants of Maternity Care Services Utilization among Married Adolescents in Rural India

Prashant Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Rai, Manoj Alagarajan, Lucky Singh

Changing Bee and Hoverfly Pollinator Assemblages along an Urban-Rural Gradient

Adam J. Bates, Jon P. Sadler,  [ ... ], Tom J. Matthews

Maternal Mortality in India: Causes and Healthcare Service Use Based on a Nationally Representative Survey

Ann L. Montgomery, Usha Ram,  [ ... ], for The Million Death Study Collaborators

Does Size Matter? Scaling of CO2 Emissions and U.S. Urban Areas

Michail Fragkias, José Lobo, Deborah Strumsky, Karen C. Seto

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