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Showing 1 - 13 of 289

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Rehabilitation outcomes of bird-building collision victims in the Northeastern United States

Ar Kornreich, Dustin Partridge, Mason Youngblood, Kaitlyn Parkins

Pebble to the Metal: A Boulder Approach to Enrichment for Danio rerio

Kyna A. Byrd, Jacob H. Theil,  [ ... ], Joseph P. Garner

Using simulation to teach nursing students how to deal with a euthanasia request

Dennis Demedts, Jürgen Magerman,  [ ... ], Maaike Fobelets

Integrating and optimizing tonabersat in standard glioblastoma therapy: A preclinical study

Velislava Zoteva, Valerie De Meulenaere,  [ ... ], Karel Deblaere

Effects of oxygen-prebreathing on tissue nitrogenation in normobaric and hyperbaric conditions

Edward Tom Ashworth, Ryotaro Ogawa, David Robert Vera, Peter Lindholm

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