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Showing 40 - 52 of 289

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Acute vaping exacerbates microbial pneumonia due to calcium (Ca2+) dysregulation

Rui Zhang, Myles M. Jones,  [ ... ], Vijay Sivaraman

Assessing the severity of laparotomy and partial hepatectomy in male rats—A multimodal approach

Leonie Zieglowski, Anna Maria Kümmecke,  [ ... ], René H. Tolba

Integrated evaluation of lung disease in single animals

Pratyusha Mandal, John D. Lyons,  [ ... ], Craig M. Coopersmith

The bioactivity of soluble Fas ligand is modulated by key amino acids of its stalk region

Osamu Kajikawa, Raquel Herrero,  [ ... ], Gustavo Matute-Bello

Glibenclamide does not improve outcome following severe collagenase-induced intracerebral hemorrhage in rats

Tiffany F. C. Kung, Cassandra M. Wilkinson,  [ ... ], Frederick Colbourne

Trends in intake and outcomes for European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in the Czech rescue centers

Gabriela Lukešová, Eva Voslarova, Vladimir Vecerek, Marijana Vucinic

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