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Ascorbic acid as serine protease inhibitor in lung cancer cell line and human serum albumin

Bijon Kumar Sil, Mohd. Raeed Jamiruddin,  [ ... ], Teerapol Srichana

Thermostabilization of a fungal laccase by entrapment in enzymatically synthesized levan nanoparticles

Hossein Alishah Aratboni, Maura Martinez, Clarita Olvera, Marcela Ayala

Antibody reactions of horses against various domains of the EHV-1 receptor-binding protein gD1

Andreina Schramm, Mathias Ackermann,  [ ... ], Julia Lechmann

CANDy: Automated analysis of domain architectures in carbohydrate-active enzymes

Alex Windels, Jorick Franceus, Jürgen Pleiss, Tom Desmet

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