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Showing 1 - 13 of 11,103

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Golden Gate Shuffling: A One-Pot DNA Shuffling Method Based on Type IIs Restriction Enzymes

Carola Engler, Ramona Gruetzner, Romy Kandzia, Sylvestre Marillonnet

Autoluminescent Plants

Alexander Krichevsky, Benjamin Meyers,  [ ... ], Vitaly Citovsky

A One-Step Miniprep for the Isolation of Plasmid DNA and Lambda Phage Particles

George Lezin, Yasuhiro Kosaka,  [ ... ], Luca Brunelli

High-Yield Hydrogen Production from Starch and Water by a Synthetic Enzymatic Pathway

Y.-H. Percival Zhang, Barbara R. Evans,  [ ... ], Michael W.W. Adams

Tamoxifen-Induced Cre-loxP Recombination Is Prolonged in Pancreatic Islets of Adult Mice

Rachel B. Reinert, Jeannelle Kantz,  [ ... ], Alvin C. Powers

GreenGate - A Novel, Versatile, and Efficient Cloning System for Plant Transgenesis

Athanasios Lampropoulos, Zoran Sutikovic,  [ ... ], Joachim Forner

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