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Showing 1 - 13 of 429

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An analysis of morphological and genetic diversity of mango fruit flies in Pakistan

Anbareen Gul, Syed Hamid Jalal Shah,  [ ... ], Samrat Kumar Dey

Deep learning for identifying bee species from images of wings and pinned specimens

Brian J. Spiesman, Claudio Gratton, Elena Gratton, Heather Hines

DNA barcoding for the assessment of marine and coastal fish diversity from the Coast of Mozambique

Valdemiro Muhala, Aurycéia Guimarães-Costa,  [ ... ], Iracilda Sampaio

Species delimitation by DNA barcoding reveals undescribed diversity in Stelliferinae (Sciaenidae)

Tárcia Fernanda da Silva, Iracilda Sampaio,  [ ... ], Simoni Santos

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