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A polarized cell system amenable to subcellular resolution imaging of influenza virus infection

Jean-Baptiste Brault, Catherine Thouvenot,  [ ... ], Nadia Naffakh

The tubulin database: Linking mutations, modifications, ligands and local interactions

Izra Abbaali, Danny Truong,  [ ... ], Naomi S. Morrissette

Ultrastructure of the nebenkern during spermatogenesis in the praying mantid Hierodula membranacea

Maria Köckert, Chukwuebuka William Okafornta,  [ ... ], Gunar Fabig

Structure of puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase and polyglutamine binding

Sowmya Madabushi, K. Martin Chow,  [ ... ], David W. Rodgers

Binding of Tau-derived peptide-fused GFP to plant microtubules in Arabidopsis thaliana

Hiroshi Inaba, Kazusato Oikawa,  [ ... ], Keiji Numata

Hierarchical association of COPD to principal genetic components of biological systems

Daniel E. Carlin, Simon J. Larsen,  [ ... ], Trey Ideker

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