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Showing 1 - 13 of 244

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Screening outcome of HPV-vaccinated women: Data from the Danish Trial23 cohort study

Mette Hartmann Nonboe, George Maria Napolitano,  [ ... ], Elsebeth Lynge

Aged and induced-premature ovarian failure mouse models affect diestrus profile and ovarian features

Ana Carolina Zucon Bacelar, Nataira Regina Momesso,  [ ... ], Mariza Akemi Matsumoto

The HPV-TP53-MALAT1 Axis: Unravelling interactions in cervical cancer development

Saba Iordanishvili, Tornike Metreveli,  [ ... ], Andreas Martin Kaufmann

Cervical cell’s nucleus segmentation through an improved UNet architecture

Assad Rasheed, Syed Hamad Shirazi,  [ ... ], Zakir Khan

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