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Showing 235 - 244 of 244

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Human Papillomavirus Persistence in Young Unscreened Women, a Prospective Cohort Study

Channa E. Schmeink, Willem J. G. Melchers,  [ ... ], Ruud L. M. Bekkers

Triage of Women with Low-Grade Cervical Lesions - HPV mRNA Testing versus Repeat Cytology

Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Marc Arbyn,  [ ... ], Elin Synnøve Mortensen

Triage of Women with Minor Cervical Lesions: Data Suggesting a “Test and Treat” Approach for HPV E6/E7 mRNA Testing

Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye, Silje Fismen, Tore Gutteberg, Elin Synnøve Mortensen

Estimating the Accuracy of Anal Cytology in the Presence of an Imperfect Reference Standard

William C. Mathews, Edward R. Cachay,  [ ... ], Ian Abramson

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