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Showing 1 - 13 of 344

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Functional comparison of human and murine equilibrative nucleobase transporter 1

Chan S. Kim, Aaron L. Sayler,  [ ... ], James R. Hammond

Glutathione transferase P1 is modified by palmitate

Vanessa Marensi, Megan C. Yap,  [ ... ], Elaine M. Leslie

In vitro fish mucosal surfaces producing mucin as a model for studying host-pathogen interactions

Macarena P. Quintana-Hayashi, Kristina A. Thomsson Hulthe, Sara K. Lindén

Preclinical evaluation of Tc-99m p5+14 peptide for SPECT detection of cardiac amyloidosis

Stephen J. Kennel, Joseph W. Jackson,  [ ... ], Jonathan S. Wall

Plant choice between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species results in increased plant P acquisition

Sören Eliot Weber, Jordi Bascompte, Ansgar Kahmen, Pascal A. Niklaus

Bacterial production of ciprofloxacin and potential usage as a radiotracer

Kadriye Busra Karatay, Nihal Dogruoz Gungor,  [ ... ], Omer Aras

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