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Showing 1 - 13 of 34

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Biochemical characterization of the Helicobacter pylori bactofilin-homolog HP1542

Sven Holtrup, Thomas Heimerl,  [ ... ], Barbara Waidner

Acidic pH triggers the phosphorylation of the response regulator NtrX in alphaproteobacteria

Ignacio Fernández, Gabriela Sycz, Fernando Alberto Goldbaum, Mariela del Carmen Carrica

OmpW of Caulobacter crescentus Functions as an Outer Membrane Channel for Cations

Roland Benz, Michael D. Jones,  [ ... ], John Smit

Correction of a Depth-Dependent Lateral Distortion in 3D Super-Resolution Imaging

Lina Carlini, Seamus J. Holden, Kyle M. Douglass, Suliana Manley

Morphological Heterogeneity and Attachment of Phaeobacter inhibens

Einat Segev, Adèle Tellez, Hera Vlamakis, Roberto Kolter

Dynamical Modeling of the Cell Cycle and Cell Fate Emergence in Caulobacter crescentus

César Quiñones-Valles, Ismael Sánchez-Osorio, Agustino Martínez-Antonio

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