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Showing 1 - 13 of 156

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Islands of cooperation emerge by stigmergic interactions in iterated spatial games

Franco Zambonelli, Federico Bergenti, Stefano Mariani, Stefania Monica

Does joint impedance improve dynamic leg simulations with explicit and implicit solvers?

Serhii Bahdasariants, Ana Maria Forti Barela,  [ ... ], Sergiy Yakovenko

Across atoms to crossing continents: Application of similarity measures to biological location data

Fabian Schuhmann, Leonie Ryvkin,  [ ... ], Ilia A. Solov’yov

Morphoscanner2.0: A new python module for analysis of molecular dynamics simulations

Federico Fontana, Calogero Carlino, Ashish Malik, Fabrizio Gelain

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