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Comparative genomics of Fusarium species causing Fusarium ear rot of maize

Owen Hudson, Colton D. Meinecke, Jeremy T. Brawner

What do Iranians value most when choosing a hospital? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment

Mohammad Ranjbar, Mohammad Bazyar,  [ ... ], Yibeltal Assefa

Design and implementation of corrosion-resistant multitasking cell stainers

Chengsheng Liao, Zhen Gong,  [ ... ], Libo Zeng

Definition of a coordinate system for multi-modal images of the temporal bone and inner ear

Bridget Copson, Sudanthi Wijewickrema,  [ ... ], Stephen O’Leary

Effectiveness of congenital myelodysplastic clubfoot treatment by the Ponseti method—Systematic review

Tatiana Ferreira dos Santos, Gabriel Ferraz Ferreira, Monica Paschoal Nogueira

Visual outcomes of primary keratoprosthesis implantation in transplant-naïve eyes

Camryn Thompson, Cason Robbins,  [ ... ], Sharon Fekrat

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