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Showing 23,271 - 23,283 of 23,283

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Transcriptional Changes Common to Human Cocaine, Cannabis and Phencyclidine Abuse

Elin Lehrmann, Carlo Colantuoni,  [ ... ], William J. Freed

To Have or Not To Have a Pet for Better Health?

Leena K. Koivusilta, Ansa Ojanlatva

Policy Adjustment in a Dynamic Economic Game

Jian Li, Samuel M. McClure, Brooks King-Casas, P. Read Montague

Wnt and Hedgehog Are Critical Mediators of Cigarette Smoke-Induced Lung Cancer

Hassan Lemjabbar-Alaoui, Vijay Dasari,  [ ... ], Carol Basbaum

The Syntax and Meaning of Wild Gibbon Songs

Esther Clarke, Ulrich H. Reichard, Klaus Zuberbühler

Genetic Influences on Exercise Participation in 37.051 Twin Pairs from Seven Countries

Janine H. Stubbe, Dorret I. Boomsma,  [ ... ], Eco J.C. de Geus

Cognitive Aging in Zebrafish

Lili Yu, Valter Tucci, Shuji Kishi, Irina V. Zhdanova

Neural Substrate of Cold-Seeking Behavior in Endotoxin Shock

Maria C Almeida, Alexandre A Steiner, Luiz G S Branco, Andrej A Romanovsky

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