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Showing 1 - 13 of 198

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Measuring facial mimicry: Affdex vs. EMG

Jan-Frederik Westermann, Ralf Schäfer,  [ ... ], Matthias Franz

Mimicry and law: Experiments in a natural setting of a law company

Wojciech Kulesza, Paweł Muniak,  [ ... ], Bernadetta Kowalczyk

Are there dedicated neural mechanisms for imitation? A study of grist and mills

Elizabeth Renner, Yishan Xie, Francys Subiaul, Antonia F. de C. Hamilton

Shibboleth: An agent-based model of signalling mimicry

Jonathan R. Goodman, Andrew Caines, Robert A. Foley

A physics-based model of swarming jellyfish

Erik Gengel, Zafrir Kuplik, Dror Angel, Eyal Heifetz

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