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Showing 1 - 13 of 149

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Decolorization of azo dyes by a novel aerobic bacterial strain Bacillus cereus strain ROC

Anum Fareed, Habiba Zaffar,  [ ... ], Tatheer Alam Naqvi

Microbiological quality assessment of five common foods sold at different points of sale in Burkina-Faso

Muller Kiswendsida Abdou Compaore, Stéphane Dissinviel Kpoda,  [ ... ], Elie Kabre

Antibacterial efficacy and possible mechanism of action of 2-hydroxyisocaproic acid (HICA)

Amila S. N. W. Pahalagedara, Steve Flint,  [ ... ], Tanushree B. Gupta

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