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October 2022


Multimorbidity is a major public health challenge; in high income countries, more than half of older adults have at least two chronic diseases, and overall ageing population trends mean this figure is likely to grow. While sleep duration is known to be associated with several chronic diseases, our understanding of its relationship with multimorbidity remains incomplete. In this issue of PLOS Medicine, Séverine Sabia and colleagues present 25-year follow-up data from the Whitehall II cohort study of British civil servants. Observational data from the study suggest that short sleep duration (≤5 hours) at ages 50, 60, and 70 is associated with a greater risk of incident multimorbidity, while for long sleep duration (≥9 hours), this association is only apparent at ages 60 and 70. The former observation suggests that good sleep hygiene is beneficial in midlife and older age, though the authors note that the latter may reflect a need for longer sleep in individuals with underlying chronic conditions.

Image Credit: Abdülkadir Vardi, Unsplash


The rapidly evolving monkeypox epidemic: A call to action to leave no one behind

Steffanie A. Strathdee, Davey M. Smith, Megan Halbrook, Placide Mbala-Kingebeni, Shira Abeles, Francesca Torriani, Anne Rimoin

Research Articles

Monthly sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine-amodiaquine or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as malaria chemoprevention in young Kenyan children with sickle cell anemia: A randomized controlled trial

Steve M. Taylor, Sarah Korwa, Angie Wu, Cynthia L. Green, Betsy Freedman, Sheila Clapp, Joseph Kipkoech Kirui, Wendy P. O’Meara, Festus M. Njuguna

Association of birthweight centiles and early childhood development of singleton infants born from 37 weeks of gestation in Scotland: A population-based cohort study

Abiodun Adanikin, Deborah A. Lawlor, Jill P. Pell, Scott M. Nelson, Gordon C. S. Smith, Stamatina Iliodromiti

Association of sleep duration at age 50, 60, and 70 years with risk of multimorbidity in the UK: 25-year follow-up of the Whitehall II cohort study

Séverine Sabia, Aline Dugravot, Damien Léger, Céline Ben Hassen, Mika Kivimaki, Archana Singh-Manoux

Favipiravir, lopinavir-ritonavir, or combination therapy (FLARE): A randomised, double-blind, 2 × 2 factorial placebo-controlled trial of early antiviral therapy in COVID-19

David M. Lowe, Li-An K. Brown, Kashfia Chowdhury, Stephanie Davey, Philip Yee, Felicia Ikeji, Amalia Ndoutoumou, Divya Shah, Alexander Lennon, Abhulya Rai, Akosua A. Agyeman, Anna Checkley, Nicola Longley, Hakim-Moulay Dehbi, Nick Freemantle, Judith Breuer, Joseph F. Standing, FLARE Investigators

The patient, diagnostic, and treatment intervals in adult patients with cancer from high- and lower-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Dafina Petrova, Zuzana Špacírová, Nicolás Francisco Fernández-Martínez, Ana Ching-López, Dunia Garrido, Miguel Rodríguez-Barranco, Marina Pollán, Daniel Redondo-Sánchez, Carolina Espina, Camila Higueras-Callejón, Maria José Sánchez

Effectiveness of integrated care for older adults with depression and hypertension in rural China: A cluster randomized controlled trial

Shulin Chen, Yeates Conwell, Jiang Xue, Lydia Li, Tingjie Zhao, Wan Tang, Hillary Bogner, Hengjin Dong

Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in people living with HIV in the Netherlands: A nationwide prospective cohort study

Kathryn S. Hensley, Marlou J. Jongkees, Daryl Geers, Corine H. GeurtsvanKessel, Yvonne M. Mueller, Virgil A. S. H. Dalm, Grigorios Papageorgiou, Hanka Steggink, Alicja Gorska, Susanne Bogers, Jan G. den Hollander, Wouter F. W. Bierman, Luc B. S. Gelinck, Emile F. Schippers, Heidi S. M. Ammerlaan, Marc van der Valk, Marit G. A. van Vonderen, Corine E. Delsing, Elisabeth H. Gisolf, Anke H. W. Bruns, Fanny N. Lauw, Marvin A. H. Berrevoets, Kim C. E. Sigaloff, Robert Soetekouw, Judith Branger, Quirijn de Mast, Adriana J. J. Lammers, Selwyn H. Lowe, Rory D. de Vries, Peter D. Katsikis, Bart J. A. Rijnders, Kees Brinkman, Anna H. E. Roukens, Casper Rokx

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Risk of cervical precancer among HPV–negative women in the Netherlands and its association with previous HPV and cytology results: A follow-up analysis of a randomized screening study

Federica Inturrisi, Lawrence Rozendaal, Nienke J. Veldhuijzen, Daniëlle A. M. Heideman, Chris J. L. M. Meijer, Johannes Berkhof