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December 2018

In 2018, PLOS Medicine enlisted the expert guidance of Guest Editors Suchi Saria, Atul Butte, and Aziz Sheikh to establish the journal's scope and standards for publishing machine learning research in medicine. The tangible result can be seen in our articles within the PLOS Collection Machine Learning in Health Biomedicine, which continues to expand as our sister journals publish related research.

Going forward, PLOS Medicine is committed to providing our general medical readership with comprehensive, rigorous coverage of machine learning-related developments, with further expert commentary, in order to support clinicians as they learn how to understand, develop and ultimately leverage machine learning to improve patient care.

In this month's Editorial, Saria, Butte, and Sheikh finish our year—but not our shared journey!—with an accessible and accurate portrayal of the current forefront of machine learning in clinical translation.

Image Credit: geralt, Pixabay


Policy Forum

Defining rights-based indicators for HIV epidemic transition

Joseph J. Amon, Patrick Eba, Laurel Sprague, Olive Edwards, Chris Beyrer

Research Articles

Raltegravir-intensified initial antiretroviral therapy in advanced HIV disease in Africa: A randomised controlled trial

Cissy Kityo, Alexander J. Szubert, Abraham Siika, Robert Heyderman, Mutsa Bwakura-Dangarembizi, Abbas Lugemwa, Shalton Mwaringa, Anna Griffiths, Immaculate Nkanya, Sheila Kabahenda, Simon Wachira, Godfrey Musoro, Chatu Rajapakse, Timothy Etyang, James Abach, Moira J. Spyer, Priscilla Wavamunno, Linda Nyondo-Mipando, Ennie Chidziva, Kusum Nathoo, Nigel Klein, James Hakim, Diana M. Gibb, A. Sarah Walker, Sarah L. Pett, on behalf of the REALITY trial team

Metabolic syndrome in pregnancy and risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes: A prospective cohort of nulliparous women

Jessica A. Grieger, Tina Bianco-Miotto, Luke E. Grzeskowiak, Shalem Y. Leemaqz, Lucilla Poston, Lesley M. McCowan, Louise C. Kenny, Jenny E. Myers, James J. Walker, Gus A. Dekker, Claire T. Roberts

Associations between sex work laws and sex workers’ health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative and qualitative studies

Lucy Platt, Pippa Grenfell, Rebecca Meiksin, Jocelyn Elmes, Susan G. Sherman, Teela Sanders, Peninah Mwangi, Anna-Louise Crago

Supermarket policies on less-healthy food at checkouts: Natural experimental evaluation using interrupted time series analyses of purchases

Katrine T. Ejlerskov, Stephen J. Sharp, Martine Stead, Ashley J. Adamson, Martin White, Jean Adams

Effectiveness of a text-messaging-based smoking cessation intervention (“Happy Quit”) for smoking cessation in China: A randomized controlled trial

Yanhui Liao, Qiuxia Wu, Brian C. Kelly, Fengyu Zhang, Yi-Yuan Tang, Qianjin Wang, Honghong Ren, Yuzhu Hao, Mei Yang, Joanna Cohen, Jinsong Tang

Effectiveness and treatment moderators of internet interventions for adult problem drinking: An individual patient data meta-analysis of 19 randomised controlled trials

Heleen Riper, Adriaan Hoogendoorn, Pim Cuijpers, Eirini Karyotaki, Nikolaos Boumparis, Adriana Mira, Gerhard Andersson, Anne H. Berman, Nicolas Bertholet, Gallus Bischof, Matthijs Blankers, Brigitte Boon, Leif Boß, Håvar Brendryen, John Cunningham, David Ebert, Anders Hansen, Reid Hester, Zarnie Khadjesari, Jeannet Kramer, Elizabeth Murray, Marloes Postel, Daniela Schulz, Kristina Sinadinovic, Brian Suffoletto, Christopher Sundström, Hein de Vries, Paul Wallace, Reinout W. Wiers, Johannes H. Smit

Small for gestational age and risk of childhood mortality: A Swedish population study

Jonas F. Ludvigsson, Donghao Lu, Lennart Hammarström, Sven Cnattingius, Fang Fang

Comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychosocial interventions for individuals with cocaine and amphetamine addiction: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Franco De Crescenzo, Marco Ciabattini, Gian Loreto D’Alò, Riccardo De Giorgi, Cinzia Del Giovane, Carolina Cassar, Luigi Janiri, Nicolas Clark, Michael Joshua Ostacher, Andrea Cipriani