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September 2007

The issue image this month takes its theme from an essay (see Braun et al. e271) and a related perspective (see Ellison et al. e287) that explore the controversy and offer opinions on the best way to name, define, and study race and ethnicity in medicine. Human race and ethnicity, although socially determined categories, are routinely used to assign people to groups in research and clinical medicine. But if these designations are socially determined, what do "black" and "white" really mean in biomedical science and clinical medicine? Is it even possible to reach a consensus on how most accurately and sensitively to name and define race and other groupings that are subject to social tension? The editorial (see Brown et al. e288) focuses on the editorial viewpoint of this question and surveys different solutions adopted by the publishing field.

Image Credit: Race Cube Mixed by Nathan Gibbs

Policy Forums

Grand Challenges in Global Health: The Ethical, Social and Cultural Program

Peter A Singer, Andrew D Taylor, Abdallah S Daar, Ross E. G Upshur, Jerome A Singh, James V Lavery

Grand Challenges in Global Health: Ethical, Social, and Cultural Issues Based on Key Informant Perspectives

Kathryn Berndtson, Tina Daid, C. Shawn Tracy, Anant Bhan, Emma R. M Cohen, Ross E. G Upshur, Jerome A Singh, Abdallah S Daar, James V Lavery, Peter A Singer

Grand Challenges in Global Health: Community Engagement in Research in Developing Countries

Paulina O Tindana, Jerome A Singh, C. Shawn Tracy, Ross E. G Upshur, Abdallah S Daar, Peter A Singer, Janet Frohlich, James V Lavery

Grand Challenges in Global Health: Engaging Civil Society Organizations in Biomedical Research in Developing Countries

Anant Bhan, Jerome A Singh, Ross E. G Upshur, Peter A Singer, Abdallah S Daar

Research in Translation

Hypertrophic Scar Formation Following Burns and Trauma: New Approaches to Treatment

Shahram Aarabi, Michael T Longaker, Geoffrey C Gurtner

Research Articles

Physician Awareness of Drug Cost: A Systematic Review

G. Michael Allan, Joel Lexchin, Natasha Wiebe

Renal Function and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in General Populations: New Prospective Study and Systematic Review

Emanuele Di Angelantonio, John Danesh, Gudny Eiriksdottir, Vilmundur Gudnason

The Absolute Risk of Venous Thrombosis after Air Travel: A Cohort Study of 8,755 Employees of International Organisations

Saskia Kuipers, Suzanne C Cannegieter, Saskia Middeldorp, Luc Robyn, Harry R Büller, Frits R Rosendaal

A Candidate Gene Approach Identifies the TRAF1/C5 Region as a Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fina A. S Kurreeman, Leonid Padyukov, Rute B Marques, Steven J Schrodi, Maria Seddighzadeh, Gerrie Stoeken-Rijsbergen, Annette H. M van der Helm-van Mil, Cornelia F Allaart, Willem Verduyn, Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat, Lars Alfredsson, Ann B Begovich, Lars Klareskog, Tom W. J Huizinga, Rene E. M Toes

Related Articles

Prevention of LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing Angiopoietin 1

Shirley H. J Mei, Sarah D McCarter, Yupu Deng, Colleen H Parker, W. Conrad Liles, Duncan J Stewart

Optimal Management of High-Risk T1G3 Bladder Cancer: A Decision Analysis

Girish S Kulkarni, Antonio Finelli, Neil E Fleshner, Michael A. S Jewett, Steven R Lopushinsky, Shabbir M. H Alibhai