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April 2006

Marie Dauenheimer is a Board Certified Medical Illustrator working in the Washington, D. C., Metropolitan area. She specializes in creating medical illustrations and animations for educational materials, including posters, brochures, books, Web sites, and interactive media.

Marie received her Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with minors in Art History and Biological Sciences from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She received her Master of Arts in Medical and Biological Illustration from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

In 1991 Marie started her own business based in Reston, Virginia. She has worked on numerous educational programs and CD-ROMs, as well as print materials for medical clients. Some of her clients include the American College of Cardiology, Scientific American, the National Geographic Society, the National Institutes of Health, the US Food and Drug Administration, the American Red Cross, Genentech, Eli Lilly and Company, and Biogen.

In addition to having her own business, Marie has worked as a medical art director and has taught at Parsons School of Design and the Cleveland Institute of Art. Marie is currently teaching drawing and life drawing at the Art Institute of Washington.

Image Credit: Marie T. Dauenheimer (dauenheimer [at]


Policy Forums

Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Drugs Looking for a Disease?

Marina Maggini, Nicola Vanacore, Roberto Raschetti

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Influenza-Associated Hospitalization in a Subtropical City

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Large-Scale Evidence for the Effect of the COLIA1 Sp1 Polymorphism on Osteoporosis Outcomes: The GENOMOS Study

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Stage-Specific Action of Matrix Metalloproteinases Influences Progressive Hereditary Kidney Disease

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Authors' Reply

Peter J Hotez, Albert B Sabin, David H Molyneux, Alan Fenwick, Eric Ottesen, Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, Jeffrey D Sachs

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