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Table 1.

Sets of questions and responses used to define whether a woman received a postpartum check while in the facility following childbirth.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 1.

Conceptual categories of factors associated with receiving a postpartum check while in the facility following childbirth.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Percentage of women reporting receiving a postpartum check while in the facility following childbirth, by country and question pattern (A, light blue; B, dark blue; C, brown).

ANC, antenatal care.

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Fig 2 Expand

Table 2.

Pooled sample, distribution of determinants and association between each determinant and receiving a postpartum check while in the childbirth facility (n = 137,218).

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Table 2 Expand

Table 3.

Crude and multivariable models of association between factors and receiving a postpartum check while in the childbirth facility, pooled sample.

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Table 3 Expand