About the Authors

Julian P Venables

Contributed equally to this work with: Julian P Venables, Lisa Strain, Danny Routledge

Affiliation Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Lisa Strain

Contributed equally to this work with: Julian P Venables, Lisa Strain, Danny Routledge

Affiliation Northern Molecular Genetics Service Laboratory, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Danny Routledge

Contributed equally to this work with: Julian P Venables, Lisa Strain, Danny Routledge

Affiliation Northern Molecular Genetics Service Laboratory, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

David Bourn

Affiliation Northern Molecular Genetics Service Laboratory, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Helen M Powell

Affiliation Northern Molecular Genetics Service Laboratory, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Paul Warwicker

Affiliation Renal Unit, East and North Hertfordshire National Health Service Trust, Stevenage, United Kingdom

Martha L Diaz-Torres

Affiliation Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Anne Sampson

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Paul Mead

Affiliation Renal Unit, North Cumbria Acute Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Carlisle, United Kingdom

Michelle Webb

Affiliation Renal Unit, East Kent Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Canterbury, United Kingdom

Yves Pirson

Affiliation Service de Nephrologie, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium

Michael S Jackson

Affiliation Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Anne Hughes

Affiliation Department of Medical Genetics, Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom

Katrina M Wood

Affiliation Department of Histopathology, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Judith A Goodship

Affiliation Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Timothy H. J Goodship

To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: t.h.j.goodship@ncl.ac.uk

Affiliation Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

JPV, LS, DR, MSJ, AH, JAG, and THJG designed the study. DB, HMP, MLDT, and AS contributed to the laboratory analyses. PW, PM, MW, and YP collected clinical information. JPV, LS, DR, DB, HMP, PW, MLDT, AS, MSJ, KMW, JAG, and THJG contributed to writing the paper.