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September 2022

Today, there is great interest in diets proposing new macronutrient compositions and fasting schedules. Unfortunately, there is little consensus regarding the impact these new diets have on our metabolism. We lack an approach for integrating partial insights derived from different clinical studies with different measured variables - in different situations and on different populations – into a useful and interconnected big picture. Herein, we present such an integrating tool: a multi-organ and multi-timescale ODE model of human metabolism. This tool predicts both mean human metabolism responses to meals and fasting schedules, and is capable of making person-specific predictions. Silfvergren et al

Image Credit: Christian Simonsson, Linköping University, Sweden.


Ten simple rules for getting and giving credit for data

Elisha M. Wood-Charlson, Zachary Crockett, Chris Erdmann, Adam P. Arkin, Carly B. Robinson

Education Articles

Ten simple rules for teaching yourself R

Jake Lawlor, Francis Banville, Norma-Rocio Forero-Muñoz, Katherine Hébert, Juan Andrés Martínez-Lanfranco, Pierre Rogy, A. Andrew M. MacDonald

A simple kit to use computational notebooks for more openness, reproducibility, and productivity in research

Ludmilla Figueiredo, Cédric Scherer, Juliano Sarmento Cabral

Research Articles

High-order functional redundancy in ageing explained via alterations in the connectome in a whole-brain model

Marilyn Gatica, Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A. M. Mediano, Ibai Diez, Stephan P. Swinnen, Patricio Orio, Rodrigo Cofré, Jesus M. Cortes

Dynamical modeling of the H3K27 epigenetic landscape in mouse embryonic stem cells

Kapil Newar, Amith Zafal Abdulla, Hossein Salari, Eric Fanchon, Daniel Jost

Optimal anti-amyloid-beta therapy for Alzheimer’s disease via a personalized mathematical model

Wenrui Hao, Suzanne Lenhart, Jeffrey R. Petrella

A computational framework for modelling infectious disease policy based on age and household structure with applications to the COVID-19 pandemic

Joe Hilton, Heather Riley, Lorenzo Pellis, Rabia Aziza, Samuel P. C. Brand, Ivy K. Kombe, John Ojal, Andrea Parisi, Matt J. Keeling, D. James Nokes, Robert Manson-Sawko, Thomas House

What lies underneath: Precise classification of brain states using time-dependent topological structure of dynamics

Fernando Soler-Toscano, Javier A. Galadí, Anira Escrichs, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Ane López-González, Jacobo D. Sitt, Jitka Annen, Olivia Gosseries, Aurore Thibaut, Rajanikant Panda, Francisco J. Esteban, Steven Laureys, Morten L. Kringelbach, José A. Langa, Gustavo Deco

Multi-omics subtyping of hepatocellular carcinoma patients using a Bayesian network mixture model

Polina Suter, Eva Dazert, Jack Kuipers, Charlotte K. Y. Ng, Tuyana Boldanova, Michael N. Hall, Markus H. Heim, Niko Beerenwinkel

Probing the rules of cell coordination in live tissues by interpretable machine learning based on graph neural networks

Takaki Yamamoto, Katie Cockburn, Valentina Greco, Kyogo Kawaguchi

MouseNet: A biologically constrained convolutional neural network model for the mouse visual cortex

Jianghong Shi, Bryan Tripp, Eric Shea-Brown, Stefan Mihalas, Michael A. Buice

EpiBeds: Data informed modelling of the COVID-19 hospital burden in England

Christopher E. Overton, Lorenzo Pellis, Helena B. Stage, Francesca Scarabel, Joshua Burton, Christophe Fraser, Ian Hall, Thomas A. House, Chris Jewell, Anel Nurtay, Filippo Pagani, Katrina A. Lythgoe

A multi-label learning model for predicting drug-induced pathology in multi-organ based on toxicogenomics data

Ran Su, Haitang Yang, Leyi Wei, Siqi Chen, Quan Zou

Copper binding leads to increased dynamics in the regulatory N-terminal domain of full-length human copper transporter ATP7B

Fredrik Orädd, Jonas Hyld Steffen, Pontus Gourdon, Magnus Andersson

Comparing and linking machine learning and semi-mechanistic models for the predictability of endemic measles dynamics

Max S. Y. Lau, Alex Becker, Wyatt Madden, Lance A. Waller, C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Bryan T. Grenfell

Connectivity concepts in neuronal network modeling

Johanna Senk, Birgit Kriener, Mikael Djurfeldt, Nicole Voges, Han-Jia Jiang, Lisa Schüttler, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Markus Diesmann, Hans E. Plesser, Sacha J. van Albada

Constructing functional models from biophysically-detailed neurons

Peter Duggins, Chris Eliasmith

Stability criteria for the consumption and exchange of essential resources

Theo Gibbs, Yifan Zhang, Zachary R. Miller, James P. O’Dwyer

Investigating differential abundance methods in microbiome data: A benchmark study

Marco Cappellato, Giacomo Baruzzo, Barbara Di Camillo

Architect: A tool for aiding the reconstruction of high-quality metabolic models through improved enzyme annotation

Nirvana Nursimulu, Alan M. Moses, John Parkinson

ceRNAR: An R package for identification and analysis of ceRNA-miRNA triplets

Yi-Wen Hsiao, Lin Wang, Tzu-Pin Lu

Species abundance correlations carry limited information about microbial network interactions

Susanne Pinto, Elisa Benincà, Egbert H. van Nes, Marten Scheffer, Johannes A. Bogaards

Ambiguity drives higher-order Pavlovian learning

Tomislav D. Zbozinek, Omar D. Perez, Toby Wise, Michael Fanselow, Dean Mobbs

Patterns of asymmetry and energy cost generated from predictive simulations of hemiparetic gait

Russell T. Johnson, Nicholas A. Bianco, James M. Finley

The hierarchical organization of autocatalytic reaction networks and its relevance to the origin of life

Zhen Peng, Jeff Linderoth, David A. Baum

Utility of constraints reflecting system stability on analyses for biological models

Yoshiaki Kariya, Masashi Honma, Keita Tokuda, Akihiko Konagaya, Hiroshi Suzuki

A transcriptional cycling model recapitulates chromatin-dependent features of noisy inducible transcription

M. Elise Bullock, Nataly Moreno-Martinez, Kathryn Miller-Jensen

RNA velocity unraveled

Gennady Gorin, Meichen Fang, Tara Chari, Lior Pachter

PrMFTP: Multi-functional therapeutic peptides prediction based on multi-head self-attention mechanism and class weight optimization

Wenhui Yan, Wending Tang, Lihua Wang, Yannan Bin, Junfeng Xia

Thalamic regulation of frontal interactions in human cognitive flexibility

Ali Hummos, Bin A. Wang, Sabrina Drammis, Michael M. Halassa, Burkhard Pleger

A quantitative modelling approach for DNA repair on a population scale

Leo Zeitler, Cyril Denby Wilkes, Arach Goldar, Julie Soutourina

Related Articles

CINS: Cell Interaction Network inference from Single cell expression data

Ye Yuan, Carlos Cosme Jr., Taylor Sterling Adams, Jonas Schupp, Koji Sakamoto, Nikos Xylourgidis, Matthew Ruffalo, Jiachen Li, Naftali Kaminski, Ziv Bar-Joseph

Digital twin predicting diet response before and after long-term fasting

Oscar Silfvergren, Christian Simonsson, Mattias Ekstedt, Peter Lundberg, Peter Gennemark, Gunnar Cedersund

An integrative systems biology approach to overcome venetoclax resistance in acute myeloid leukemia

Michelle Przedborski, David Sharon, Severine Cathelin, Steven Chan, Mohammad Kohandel

In the Body’s Eye: The computational anatomy of interoceptive inference

Micah Allen, Andrew Levy, Thomas Parr, Karl J. Friston

Excitatory and inhibitory effects of HCN channel modulation on excitability of layer V pyramidal cells

Tuomo Mäki-Marttunen, Verónica Mäki-Marttunen

Testing microbiome associations with survival times at both the community and individual taxon levels

Yingtian Hu, Yunxiao Li, Glen A. Satten, Yi-Juan Hu

Distinguishing shadows from surface boundaries using local achromatic cues

Christopher DiMattina, Josiah J. Burnham, Betul N. Guner, Haley B. Yerxa

A normative model of peripersonal space encoding as performing impact prediction

Zdenek Straka, Jean-Paul Noel, Matej Hoffmann

Extracting individual characteristics from population data reveals a negative social effect during honeybee defence

Tatjana Petrov, Matej Hajnal, Julia Klein, David Šafránek, Morgane Nouvian

Radical triads, not pairs, may explain effects of hypomagnetic fields on neurogenesis

Jess Ramsay, Daniel R. Kattnig

Robust inference of population size histories from genomic sequencing data

Gautam Upadhya, Matthias Steinrücken

Emergence of qualitative states in synthetic circuits driven by ultrasensitive growth feedback

Juan Ramon Melendez-Alvarez, Xiao-Jun Tian

Fast and accurate Ab Initio Protein structure prediction using deep learning potentials

Robin Pearce, Yang Li, Gilbert S. Omenn, Yang Zhang

Is cell segregation like oil and water: Asymptotic versus transitory regime

Florian Franke, Sebastian Aland, Hans-Joachim Böhme, Anja Voss-Böhme, Steffen Lange

On the incongruence of genotype-phenotype and fitness landscapes

Malvika Srivastava, Joshua L. Payne

Omitting age-dependent mosquito mortality in malaria models underestimates the effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets

Melissa A. Iacovidou, Priscille Barreaux, Simon E. F. Spencer, Matthew B. Thomas, Erin E. Gorsich, Kat S. Rock

Comparing human and model-based forecasts of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland

Nikos I. Bosse, Sam Abbott, Johannes Bracher, Habakuk Hain, Billy J. Quilty, Mark Jit, Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Working Group, Edwin van Leeuwen, Anne Cori, Sebastian Funk

A spatially resolved stochastic model reveals the role of supercoiling in transcription regulation

Yuncong Geng, Christopher Herrick Bohrer, Nicolás Yehya, Hunter Hendrix, Lior Shachaf, Jian Liu, Jie Xiao, Elijah Roberts

Bayesian estimation of community size and overlap from random subsamples

Erik K. Johnson, Daniel B. Larremore

AIRRscape: An interactive tool for exploring B-cell receptor repertoires and antibody responses

Eric Waltari, Saba Nafees, Krista M. McCutcheon, Joan Wong, John E. Pak

GenOtoScope: Towards automating ACMG classification of variants associated with congenital hearing loss

Damianos P. Melidis, Christian Landgraf, Gunnar Schmidt, Anja Schöner-Heinisch, Sandra von Hardenberg, Anke Lesinski-Schiedat, Wolfgang Nejdl, Bernd Auber

Strange attractor of a narwhal (Monodon monoceros)

Evgeny A. Podolskiy, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen

Identification of key somatic oncogenic mutation based on a confounder-free causal inference model

Yijun Liu, Ji Sun, Huiyan Sun, Yi Chang

An expert judgment model to predict early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States

Thomas McAndrew, Nicholas G. Reich

MicrobiomeCensus estimates human population sizes from wastewater samples based on inter-individual variability in gut microbiomes

Lin Zhang, Likai Chen, Xiaoqian (Annie) Yu, Claire Duvallet, Siavash Isazadeh, Chengzhen Dai, Shinkyu Park, Katya Frois-Moniz, Fabio Duarte, Carlo Ratti, Eric J. Alm, Fangqiong Ling

Systems-level identification of key transcription factors in immune cell specification

Cong Liu, Kyla Omilusik, Clara Toma, Nadia S. Kurd, John T. Chang, Ananda W. Goldrath, Wei Wang

General object-based features account for letter perception

Daniel Janini, Chris Hamblin, Arturo Deza, Talia Konkle

A Deep Survival EWAS approach estimating risk profile based on pre-diagnostic DNA methylation: An application to breast cancer time to diagnosis

Michela Carlotta Massi, Lorenzo Dominoni, Francesca Ieva, Giovanni Fiorito

Cross-GWAS coherence test at the gene and pathway level

Daniel Krefl, Sven Bergmann

Using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching data to uncover filament dynamics

J. C. Dallon, Cécile Leduc, Christopher P. Grant, Emily J. Evans, Sandrine Etienne-Manneville, Stéphanie Portet

Towards mouse genetic-specific RNA-sequencing read mapping

Nastassia Gobet, Maxime Jan, Paul Franken, Ioannis Xenarios

Optimizing laboratory-based surveillance networks for monitoring multi-genotype or multi-serotype infections

Qu Cheng, Philip A. Collender, Alexandra K. Heaney, Aidan McLoughlin, Yang Yang, Yuzi Zhang, Jennifer R. Head, Rohini Dasan, Song Liang, Qiang Lv, Yaqiong Liu, Changhong Yang, Howard H. Chang, Lance A. Waller, Jon Zelner, Joseph A. Lewnard, Justin V. Remais

Pruning deep neural networks generates a sparse, bio-inspired nonlinear controller for insect flight

Olivia Zahn, Jorge Bustamante Jr., Callin Switzer, Thomas L. Daniel, J. Nathan Kutz

Correcting motion induced fluorescence artifacts in two-channel neural imaging

Matthew S. Creamer, Kevin S. Chen, Andrew M. Leifer, Jonathan W. Pillow

Towards reliable quantification of cell state velocities

Valérie Marot-Lassauzaie, Brigitte Joanne Bouman, Fearghal Declan Donaghy, Yasmin Demerdash, Marieke Alida Gertruda Essers, Laleh Haghverdi

Generalism drives abundance: A computational causal discovery approach

Chuliang Song, Benno I. Simmons, Marie-Josée Fortin, Andrew Gonzalez

Modeling enculturated bias in entrainment to rhythmic patterns

Thomas Kaplan, Jonathan Cannon, Lorenzo Jamone, Marcus Pearce

Generative and interpretable machine learning for aptamer design and analysis of in vitro sequence selection

Andrea Di Gioacchino, Jonah Procyk, Marco Molari, John S. Schreck, Yu Zhou, Yan Liu, Rémi Monasson, Simona Cocco, Petr Šulc

Estimation of the firing behaviour of a complete motoneuron pool by combining electromyography signal decomposition and realistic motoneuron modelling

Arnault H. Caillet, Andrew T. M. Phillips, Dario Farina, Luca Modenese

Individualised computational modelling of immune mediated disease onset, flare and clearance in psoriasis

Fedor Shmarov, Graham R. Smith, Sophie C. Weatherhead, Nick J. Reynolds, Paolo Zuliani

HAYSTAC: A Bayesian framework for robust and rapid species identification in high-throughput sequencing data

Evangelos A. Dimopoulos, Alberto Carmagnini, Irina M. Velsko, Christina Warinner, Greger Larson, Laurent A. F. Frantz, Evan K. Irving-Pease

Computational multiplex panel reduction to maximize information retention in breast cancer tissue microarrays

Luke Ternes, Jia-Ren Lin, Yu-An Chen, Joe W. Gray, Young Hwan Chang

A hierarchical process model links behavioral aging and lifespan in C. elegans

Natasha Oswal, Olivier M. F. Martin, Sofia Stroustrup, Monika Anna Matusiak Bruckner, Nicholas Stroustrup
