Current mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup classification tools map reads to a single reference genome and perform inference based on the detected mutations to this reference. This approach biases haplogroup assignments towards the reference and prohibits accurate calculations of the uncertainty in assignment. We present HaploCart, a probabilistic mtDNA haplogroup classifier which uses a pangenomic reference graph framework together with principles of Bayesian inference. We demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms available tools by being more robust to lower coverage or incomplete consensus sequences and producing phylogenetically-aware confidence scores that are unbiased towards any haplogroup. HaploCart is available both as a command-line tool and through a user-friendly web interface. The C++ program accepts as input consensus FASTA, FASTQ, or GAM files, and outputs a text file with the haplogroup assignments of the samples along with the level of confidence in the assignments. Our work considerably reduces the amount of data required to obtain a confident mitochondrial haplogroup assignment.
Author summary
Pangenome graphs are powerful and relatively nascent data structures for representing an entire collection of genomic sequences and their homology. Here we present HaploCart, a tool which leverages the power of pangenomics, in conjunction with maximum-likelihood estimation, to improve human mtDNA haplotype inference on single-source samples (i.e. the sample is not a mixture of multiple contributors, be they human or contaminant). In this context, mapping to many reference genomes at once vastly reduces the Eurocentric bias inherent in contemporary methods, and also improves haplotyping performance at low coverage depths. We show that HaploCart is far more accurate than competing programs on simulated and empirical datasets, and reports clade-level posterior probabilities that accurately reflect confidence in our phylogenetic assignments. Our work can easily be generalized to other haploid markers and suggests that pangenome-based approaches combined with Bayesian methods show promise for improving inference and mitigating ethnicity-related bias in a large class of bioinformatics problems involving sequencing data.
Citation: Rubin JD, Vogel NA, Gopalakrishnan S, Sackett PW, Renaud G (2023) HaploCart: Human mtDNA haplogroup classification using a pangenomic reference graph. PLoS Comput Biol 19(6): e1011148. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011148
Editor: William Stafford Noble, University of Washington, UNITED STATES
Received: December 19, 2022; Accepted: May 2, 2023; Published: June 7, 2023
Copyright: © 2023 Rubin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Data Availability: All relevant datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available in the following repository: https://github.com/JoshuaDanielRubin/HaploCart_Experiment_Data. The repository is also backed up at https://zenodo.org/record/7665807#.ZEeQHHZBw2w. HaploCart is available as a command-line tool at https://github.com/grenaud/vgan and as a web server at https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/service.php?HaploCart.
Funding: Funding for this research was provided by a Novo Nordisk Data Science Investigator grant number NNF20OC0062491 (GR). This funding source provided the salaries for JDR and NAV. Additional funding for computational resources was provided by the Department for Health Technology at DTU. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Methods paper.
1 Introduction
The human mitochondrial genome is a small molecule, comprising a mere 16.5 Kb, yet certain properties of the mitogenome make it an invaluable trove of information for researchers in a number of disparate fields including health and human population studies [1]. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is clonally inherited, meaning that a mother and her child will harbor the same mitogenomic sequence in the absence of mutations. When a point mutation does occur (which happens more frequently than in the autosomes [2]) a new branch breaks off on the mitochondrial phylogenetic tree. The need to classify the diversity of human mitogenomes has given rise to haplogroups. These are a set of alphanumeric labels which represent monophyletic clusters where individuals in the same haplogroup generally share the same set of mutations and share a more recent mitochondrial ancestry. These labels are man-made and represent the current state of our knowledge about mtDNA variation in humans. As such, these labels are always liable to be refined in light of new data.
Accurate mtDNA haplogrouping is critical in a number of fields. For one, mitochondrial mutations can affect the phenotype, and there are a number of known associations between mtDNA haplogroup and susceptibility to diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Chronic Kidney Diseases [3–6]. Moreover, reliable mtDNA haplogrouping is sometimes applicable in forensic analysis, e.g. for the identification of the deceased in cases of extensive damage due to the high copy number of mitogenomes in cells [7, 8]. Finally, population geneticists routinely rely on the mitochondrial genome to yield insights into the dynamics of modern and ancient populations [9–11].
mtDNA haplogrouping methods fall into one of two classes; they either run inference on a consensus sequence, or they perform inference directly on Sanger or next-generation sequencing (NGS) reads (Also known as Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS)). In the former case, the consensus can be obtained via a consensus-calling program such as ANGSD [12] or mutserve [13], or via a database of mitogenomes such as the NCBI Nucleotide database. For instance, Phy-Mer performs inference on a consensus based on k-mer similarity [14]. MitoTool predicts haplogroups based on a consensus on the principle of “optimal exact matching and fuzzy or near matching” [15]. HaploTracker ranks haplogroups based on variant identity compared to the canonical Phylotree sequences [16]. Similarly, HaploGrep2 determines haplogroups by computing the Kulczynski measure between the sample and the putative haplogroup based on sets of expected and observed polymorphisms, weighted by the relative recurrence of each polymorphism in the phylogenetic tree [17]. And finally, HaploGrouper, which takes as input a VCF file, also uses a scoring system to call haplogroups, but with a ranking criterion that is more phylogenetically aware [18].
Only a few programs perform inference directly on NGS reads aligned to a reference. One such program is mixemt [19], which performs maximum-likelihood estimation to determine the haplogroups and proportions for each contributor to an mtDNA mixture. The other is HaploCheck, a wrapper program which runs HaploGrep2 on a consensus called upstream (by mutserve) for BAM input and performs further downstream analyses [20]. A potential complication with aligning NGS reads directly to a mitochondrial reference is the presence of regions in the nuclear genome that share some similarity with the mitochondrial genome. Reads stemming from such regions, otherwise called NuMTs, can align to the mitochondrial reference as well [21].
Several haplogrouping tools are solely available as web servers, e.g. EMMA [22]. Web servers are important for user convenience, but they are simply impractical for high-throughput analysis or large-scale benchmarking experiments. In 2021, a study benchmarked haplogrouping tools on high-throughput sequencing data, among command-line interface (CLI) haplogrouping tools aimed at unmixed, single-source samples. HaploCheck (for BAM input) and HaploGrep2 (for consensus FASTA input) are the most accurate and robust tools, especially for short reads. For example, in a 2021 benchmarking study HaploCheck was the only algorithm to correctly classify all samples in the whole-exome dataset for BAM input and HaploGrep2 was the only CLI tool to correctly classify all samples in the whole-genome dataset [23]. The conclusion that HaploGrep2 is currently the most reliable tool reaffirms a view which had previously been concluded in the literature [24].
However, current mtDNA haplogrouping pipelines present a number of shortcomings. For one, programs which call a consensus will typically map reads to a single linear reference genome, quite often to a Eurasian reference known as the rCRS (Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence) [25]. They are thereby susceptible to reference bias meaning that DNA fragments similar to the linear reference are retained or called with higher quality. This constitutes undesired behavior since the underlying haplogroup of the linear reference is arbitrary [26, 27]. This bias entails that a lack of mutation to the reference may be conflated with missing data due to poor coverage and lead to potentially misleading experimental results. Also, the mitogenome is circular, so mapping to a linear reference may bias against reads which span the artificial rCRS junction. An additional shortcoming of contemporary methods is the absence of sensible reporting of the confidence in haplogroup assignments. For example, we have found from our reported quality experiment that HaploGrep2 quality scores will always be 0.5 when the predicted haplogroup is that of the rCRS. Finally, while current methods will converge to the correct haplogroup assignment given sufficient coverage depth, their inference lacks a solid mathematical foundation and is therefore ill-suited to sparse data.
We introduce HaploCart, a novel maximum-likelihood inference method using genome graphs that significantly outperforms current methods for inferring human haplogroups. We show that our approach is substantially more robust to low-coverage mitogenomes. As our tool uses a database built on a comprehensive set of human mitogenomes rather than relying on a single one, it fully addresses the biases plaguing current approaches, namely with regards to alignment and the estimation of confidence. Moreover, genome graphs have the ability to be circularized thus solving the issue of linearity in representing mitogenomes. Crucially, we report a phylogenetically-aware confidence score based on the Bayesian theorem that is unbiased towards any haplogroup. Our software takes either unaligned NGS reads in FASTQ format or FASTA consensus. It is released under a GPL v3.0 license. As a rough estimate, haplogroup prediction on a single consensus FASTA sequence takes around thirty seconds using one thread, and around nine seconds using eight threads. HaploCart is a C++ program released as a subcommand of vgan, a suite of tools for pangenomics. The program supports multi-threading and is supported for Linux systems.
We demonstrate HaploCart’s improvement over current methods in three ways. First, we show an improved ability to call haplogroups on consensus FASTA sequences at varying levels of contiguous masked bases compared to HaploGrep2 as well as Phy-Mer, the only other CLI tool that we know of which calls the haplogroup from a single-source consensus sequence. Then we demonstrate improved predictions, at a higher call rate, for downsampled FASTQ input (both simulated and empirical) compared to HaploGrep2. This is true both in terms of the distribution of edit distances between ground truth and predicted haplogroups, and in terms of the total number of predictions that are exactly correct. Finally, we show qualitatively that HaploCart reported confidence values are more sensible (i.e. behave more like proper probabilities) than those of HaploGrep2 with respect to downsampled paired-end FASTQ input. Taken together, the experiments indicate that HaploCart predictions and associated reported confidence levels considerably improve current methods for mtDNA haplogroup prediction, showcasing the power of pangenomic reference structures in bioinformatics pipelines.
2 Results
HaploCart accepts as input either consensus FASTA or FASTQ files. We first present results on consensus FASTA and then we present results on simulated and empirical FASTQ datasets. Finally we discuss our method of sensibly reporting confidence and the computational requirements of the program.
Consensus FASTA
Robustness to missing data.
Missing or unresolved bases, usually denoted by “N”s, in the consensus sequence can be the result of insufficient coverage especially if minimal coverage filters are used. We therefore test the robustness of HaploCart, HaploGrep2 and Phy-Mer to missing bases in consensus FASTA sequences. We took a total of 23 full mitogenomes in FASTA sequences selected from various populations to encapsulate the diversity of human mitogenomes. Details about the sequences that were used for the benchmark are found in section 4. As mentioned in that section, the predicted haplogroups concord on these samples when the ground truth is unambiguous. Indeed, HaploCart and HaploGrep2 exactly concord on all 23 consensus FASTA sequences (although this is not the case for Phy-Mer, for which two samples are discrepant due to an outdated version of Phylotree).
As missing regions are generally contiguous on mitogenomes due to read length, we masked regions of various length contiguously i.e. a single region is masked on a mitogenome. We masked between a 1Kb to 16Kb bases with a step of 1Kb and created 100 replicates for each number of bases as to measure average behavior.
The results of the masking experiment confirm that HaploCart outperforms HaploGrep2 on input with masked regions, both in terms of the total number of exactly correct predictions (Fig A in S1 File) and in terms of the distribution of edit distances between ground truth and predicted haplogroups for every level of masking from 2Kb up to 16Kb. (Fig 1). While we see HaploGrep2 narrowly outperforming at the 1Kb level in terms of exact correctness, we actually see the reverse (i.e. HaploCart narrowly outperforming HaploGrep2) in terms of log edit distance at this level of masking.
Distribution of log edit (Levenshtein) distances between true and predicted haplogroup over 100 replicates for each number of (contiguous) masked nucleobases from 1Kb to 16Kb, inclusive. If the edit distance was zero, the score was also considered zero. HaploCart outperforms HaploGrep2 and Phy-Mer up to 15 Kb.
By the same token, HaploCart outperforms Phy-Mer on both metrics from 1Kb to 15Kb of masking. Interestingly, at the 16Kb window HaploCart does not perform as well as Phy-Mer with regards to log edit distance. This case corresponds to a situation where only about 569 bases are available. This is surprising to us, but perhaps at this extreme level of sequence ambiguity, factors such as mapping sensitivity (in our case, the sensitivity of vg giraffe using our selected minimizer index) become the more important factors and giraffe’s parameters are not currently tuned for these edge cases. Despite this, our experiment results indicate overall that HaploCart is more robust to missing data in the input sample, underscoring the ability of the inference algorithm to gain maximal information from the data available via Bayesian inference.
Empirical consensus FASTA.
To ensure testing on a wide range of potential mitochondrial haplogroups, HaploCart and HaploGrep2 were also run on a dataset of 311 consensus mitogenomic sequences in FASTA format. This dataset has been previously used in several studies involving human mitogenomes [28–30]. The two programs concorded perfectly on the majority (268 out of 311) of samples (see Results and accession IDs in Table D in S1 File. There were very minor discrepancies in labeling (e.g. HaploCart: U6a, HaploGrep2: U6a+16189) for 36 samples. These differences are explained by differences in databases between the two programs (i.e. haplogroups with the same name split across two nodes in Phylotree as discussed in section 4). In addition there were some minor differences in assignments for another 5 samples (e.g. HaploCart: L2a1a, HaploGrep2: L2a1a2) and more substantial differences for 2 out of 311 (e.g. HaploCart: T2e1a, HaploGrep2: T). These discrepancies are caused by difference in the weighting of mutations between the two inference algorithms. The ground truth haplogroups of these samples are not known so we cannot say which program is correct. Taking this last case as an example, a pairwise alignment of the sample sequence (NCBI accession AF381985) with the canonical sequence of both predicted haplotypes using the EMBOSS Water web server [31] indicates that there are 16558 identical bases (out of a total of 16571) for the HaploGrep2 prediction and 16559 identical bases for the HaploCart prediction. This is a good illustration of why haplogroup assignments in a multi-class classification context can only be viewed as an approximation of the true underlying phylogeny of the sample.
In order to assess discrepancies between HaploCart and HaploGrep2 we also called haplogroups on these sequences using HaploGrouper. We found that HaploGrouper does not seem to preferentially agree with either tool, which suggests that our program is at least as accurate as HaploGrep2 at calling haplogroups on full consensus mitogenomes (full details in section 2.1.1 of S1 File).
Paired-end FASTQ
Robustness to low depth of coverage.
The power of Bayesian modeling is most clearly seen in the ability to gain maximal information from the input data. In cases where data is scant, it is important to ensure that the haplogrouping algorithm makes good use of the information that is available. Here we illustrate the ability of HaploCart to robustly assign mtDNA haplogroups on downsampled paired-end FASTQ data. Since HaploGrep2 and HaploCheck run the same algorithm but accept different input formats, in the context of our experimental results, “HaploGrep2” refers to the algorithm rather than the program. For clarity, we will therefore refer to HaploGrep2 when speaking about HaploCheck when used on NGS reads as the underlying algorithm by HaploCheck is HaploGrep2.
We generated a dataset of simulated NGS reads from 23 mitochondrial consensus files in FASTA format for which we know the original haplogroup (see section 4 for more details). Briefly, we simulated Illumina NGS reads from these 23 consensus sequences using the read simulation tool ART [32] at read lengths of 50bp and 100bp, and varying target coverage depths while accounting for the circular nature of the mitogenome (further details can be found in section 4). We did so both with and without incorporating reads from nuclear pseudogenes of mitochondrial origin, referred to as NuMTs, a potential confounding source (see section S1.2 for more details).
However, simulations do not account for various in vivo processes that might create noise that is not present in our simulations. As such, we downsampled a set of eight CRAM files from empirical whole-genome sequencing data from the 1000 Genomes Project. Further details about the downsampling and selection procedure for the CRAM files can be found in section 4.
We found that HaploCart significantly outperforms HaploGrep2 on both simulated and empirical data (Figs 2 and 3). This is evidenced by the mean edit distance between ground truth and predicted haplogroup, which is always considerably better for HaploCart at all coverage depth windows in both experiments. Moreover it can be seen from the shape of the distributions that HaploCart predictions tend to have lower variance across replicates within the same depth window.
Distribution of edit (Levenshtein) distances between assigned and underlying haplogroup of replicates from the empirical dataset. Central bars represent the arithmetic means of the distribution. For each window, HaploCart outperforms HaploGrep2 and HaploGrouper at all coverage windows as determined by the means of the distribution. It is worth noting that unlike HaploGrep2, HaploCart makes a prediction if even a single read maps to the graph.
Distribution of log Levenshtein (edit) distances between ground truth and predicted haplogroups on simulated paired-end reads with added simulated NuMT reads at a frequency of one in two hundred. Central lines represent the arithmetic means of the distributions and are considerably lower for HaploCart over all windows compared to HaploGrep2 and HaploGrouper.
For the simulated data, the experiment without the added NuMT reads displays nearly identical results with only slightly discernible differences (in both directions) in the edit distances of the most outlying predictions for HaploCart (see Fig E in S1 File). This provides evidence that NuMT reads should not constitute a significant impediment to accurate and confident mtDNA haplogrouping.
A similar trend is seen when examining only correct haplogroup assignments rather than distance. HaploCart significantly outperforms HaploGrep2 in total count of precisely correct predictions, on both empirical and simulated data, at greater or equal call rate, for all tested mean depths of coverage (Fig 4 and Fig A in S1 File.
Total count of predictions on the Thousand Genomes Project subsampled replicates which exactly match the underlying haplogroup, as determined by running HaploGrep2 at full coverage. For each window, HaploCart outperforms HaploGrep2 and HaploGrouper by providing more reliable haplogroup assignments.
HaploCart posterior probabilities are reasonable measures of credence in predictions
Mitochondrial haplogroups are defined by a characteristic set of mutations in the mitochondrial genome, and the difference between two distinct haplogroup assignments can be as little as a single polymorphism. Therefore when data is sparse it may be theoretically impossible to distinguish between a number of possible haplogroup assignments. The only alternative is to place the sample within a subset of the mitochondrial tree, with a certain probability. For this reason HaploCart reports clade-level posterior probabilities for its haplogroup assignments as a way of reporting confidence in the prediction (see section 4 for more details). Here, we show that these posterior probabilities correlate with coverage depth and are not biased towards any particular human population.
As expected, HaploCart posterior probabilities asymptotically approach 1 as the considered clade goes back to the mt-MRCA on both the empirical and simulated paired-end FASTQ datasets (Fig 5, Figs F-BI in S1 File). Moreover, this convergence to 1 becomes more rapid with a greater depth of coverage, as expected.
The darker the lineplot, the shallower (i.e. more recent) the depth of the tree. At a fixed tree depth, the posterior probabilities tend to increase as coverage depth increases. The posteriors asymptotically approach one as the considered clades become more ancestral to the putative haplogroup. The rate of increase is greater for greater target coverage depths, as expected.
Additionally, when we apply a lower threshold to the posterior probability of a sample’s haplogroup assignment, we see a clear improvement in the distribution of edit distances in both the masking of consensus sequences in FASTA format and simulated downsampling experiments in FASTQ format (see Figs C and D in S1 File for consensus FASTA and paired-end FASTQ respectively). The degree of improvement is clearly commensurate with the stringency of the threshold. In addition to validating the utility of our posterior probabilities, this demonstrates that quality control measures can easily be applied to experiments which make use of HaploCart to reduce the risk of erroneous predictions.
In contrast, HaploGrep2 quality scores suffer heavily from reference-related issues (Fig 6). Strikingly, every H2a2a1 replicate with a HaploGrep2 prediction is associated with a quality score of exactly 0.5, as can be seen in the regression curve on the top-left subplot. This, incidentally, is the quality associated with the prediction on the rCRS itself. We have also observed an overwhelming proportion of incorrect HaploGrep2 predictions being associated with a predicted haplogroup of this reference haplogroup. For example, in our simulated downsampled paired-end FASTQ experiment (without added NuMTs) we found that out of 8849 HaploGrep2 predictions with an edit distance over 30 from the ground truth haplogroup, 20.08% of the predictions are H2a2a1. This constitutes undesired behavior and makes HaploGrep2 quality scores difficult to interpret.
Distribution of posterior probabilities for precise haplogroup assignment for reads generated from four different simulated paired-end FASTQ samples (without added NuMT reads). As coverage depth increases, HaploCart posterior probabilities tend to increase, which is the desired behavior. In contrast, HaploGrep2 quality scores obey this behavior only for three of the four samples; the quality score for samples assigned to haplogroup H2a2a1 are always precisely 0.5. HaploCart is therefore less biased towards the haplogroup of the sample. Regression curves are polynomials of the third degree.
Since HaploCart phylogeny-aware posterior probabilities represent and behave like true probabilities, and since they are agnostic to the haplogroup of the sample, they can be used and interpreted more readily as a measure of confidence in the predictions than HaploGrep2 quality scores.
Runtime and peak memory usage
HaploCart peak memory usage is typically under 2 Gb. For a single consensus FASTA sequence runtime is around thirty seconds on a single thread, and around ten seconds using eight threads (Tabs D,E,F in S1 File). Runtimes tend to improve all the way up to twelve threads or so, after which additional threads do not seem to significantly reduce the runtime (Fig G in S1 File).
3 Discussion
The adverse effects of reference bias in contemporary mtDNA analysis pipelines are not only present but also widespread and consequential. For example, reference bias effects are known to cause problems in variant calling on ancient DNA [33] [34] as well as in allelic expression analysis [35]. Pangenomics is quickly becoming a new paradigm for the analysis of NGS data, allowing for a reduction in reference bias by mapping to an entire collection of genomes simultaneously. The application of pangenomics to the task of mtDNA haplogroup predictions enables significant improvement over the current gold standard, at least among CLI tools. We expect our program to reduce sources of error arising from mtDNA haplogroup calling and potentially reduce sequencing costs by requiring a lower mean depth of coverage per sample.
Despite the demonstrated improvement of HaploCart over the current state of the art, HaploCart makes a number of simplifying assumptions. For the time being, the program assumes zero contamination from bacterial or exogenous human sources, as well as zero heteroplasmic variants in the sample. Furthermore, we restrict the usage of our algorithm to a single unmixed sample originating from a modern human. Also, when masking the bases of consensus FASTA files, we masked a single region of contiguous bases. In reality, missing regions may comprise a number of missing contiguous segments of varying sizes, a situation for which we do not yet have a good model. All of these assumptions can be addressed by a more sophisticated model, providing opportunities for improvement to the robustness and flexibility of the program.
We envision HaploCart being useful for lowering the costs of high-throughput medical experiments requiring a large number of accurately classified samples, for instance in phenome-wide mtDNA haplogroup association studies. We also believe that the solid mathematical foundations of the HaploCart algorithm lay the groundwork for future extensions and generalizations to handle more difficult samples.
The fact that our program under-performs with respect to Phy-Mer in the masking experiment on consensus FASTA sequences (section 2) must be remarked upon. The precise cause of this is unclear but it likely relates to our giraffe minimizer index parameters which have not been explicitly tuned to handle this extreme level of masking. Phy-Mer uses an alignment-free approach to calling haplogroups, allowing the program to sidestep issues of mapping data at this extreme level of unresolved nucleobases.
We note that HaploCart has not been specifically tested for robustness to errors in the consensus sequence, although we see no reason why the algorithm should be more susceptible to these sources of error as compared to unresolved bases.
Given that HaploCart is able to confidently infer haplogroups at lower coverage depths than was previously possible, ancient DNA researchers may wish to use our tool on their data. For this reason, we also verified that the program is also applicable in this setting. We compared HaploCart predictions against those of HaploGrep2 on twenty empirical ancient samples (age range: 1450–9600 ybp) from three separate studies across different research groups which were available in the European Nucleotide Archive [36] (Tabs H,I,J in S1 File). We tested these methods both after calling a consensus and on the raw reads (full coverage and subsampled). As with our findings on modern data, we find that the programs tend to agree at sufficiently high coverage, but that HaploCart is robust to low coverage depths due to its sensitive mapping and obviation of reference bias. In contrast, HaploGrep2 can be seen to revert to the rCRS haplotype (i.e. H2a2a1) at sufficiently low coverage on some samples.
Finally, it should be noted that the haplogroup assignments in Phylotree or any other man-made tree cannot entirely reflect the true mitochondrial diversity in humans. The refinement of the mitochondrial tree is an ongoing process as more mitogenomes from understudied populations are being sequenced. As this refinement continues HaploCart will update its graph accordingly.
Through the reduction of reference bias towards an individual linear mitogenome, a pangenomic approach to human mtDNA haplogroup classification, in conjunction with the power of Bayesian inference, allows for confident and unbiased mtDNA haplogroup assignments of DNA samples even at very low levels of coverage. Unlike the majority of contemporary methods, a Bayesian/pangenomic approach enables precise quantification of the certainty of predictions, conditional on the model outlined above, and lays a solid mathematical foundation for the algorithm which may readily be generalized or applied to other domains.
4 Methods
We first present how our graph was constructed and how we perform inference to predict the mitochondrial haplogroup of the sample. Then we show how test data was generated and how benchmarking experiments were designed.
Graph construction and inference
Variation graph construction.
A variation graph is a bidirected graph embedded with a set of haplogroups such that nodes store DNA segments, edges connect segments that are contiguous along a path, and path sequences can be reconstructed by walking the appropriate nodes in the appropriate orientation. This framework has been extensively developed in the toolkit vg, whose data structure underlies our core algorithm.
A variation graph was constructed from our set of haplogroup sequences using the pangenome graph builder (PGGB) with parameters s = 5000, p = 97, n = 5180 [37]. The resultant graph in GFAv1 format comprises a single connected component with 11821 nodes and 16245 edges, and 5179 embedded paths, one per haplogroup [38]. The graph was converted to vg format (a serialized graph format using protocol buffers) with vg convert, into nodes with a maximum sequence size of 8 bases per node using vg mod -X, and circularized with vg circularize to reflect the circular nature of mitochondrial DNA. In addition to the graph topology we also circularized the embedded haplogroups with a custom script. Finally the circularized VG graph was converted to PathHandleGraph [39] format (vg view -o) to make it easier to read into memory at runtime.
Mapping. HaploCart accepts as input FASTA, FASTQ (single or paired-end), and GAM (VG’s graph analog of BAM). For all input file formats (except GAM) mapping is performed through vg giraffe using internal C++ function calls, which maps to k-mers arising from the graph’s embedded haplogroups [40]. For FASTQ input, mapping is conducted under “fast” mode for increased performance. giraffe maps using an index of special k-mers called minimizers (because they minimize a certain objective function within a given window) [41]. We use a minimizer index with window size of 11 bp and k-mer size 31 bp, unless there are many ambiguous bases detected, in which case we use a more sensitive minimizer index with a smaller k-mer size. In the case of consensus FASTA input, we generate synthetic FASTQ reads with dummy quality scores correspondent with the background error probability in the consensus call. Since giraffe does not index k-mers with ambiguous bases, we replace such bases with adenines (arbitrarily) of quality zero.
As long-read technologies become more ubiquitous we anticipate that vg giraffe will be furthered developed to handle mapping longer reads to embedded paths, and indeed the VG team is actively working on this (https://github.com/vgteam/vg/wiki/Roadmap). When this happens HaploCart may be able to map consensus FASTA directly and bypass the FASTA-to-FASTQ conversion step.
After mapping, unmapped reads and reads with overhangs (inserts at either flank of a read) are discarded with vg filter. The resulting GAM file is sorted with vg gamsort and PCR duplicates are removed as described in S1 File.
Embedded haplogroups. One synthetic FASTA file was constructed for each named haplogroup assignment in Phylotree build 17. Briefly, we wrote a custom script to convert a set of variants to HSD format, and a secondary script to convert HSD to FASTA [42]. We verified through spot-checking that HaploGrep2 predictions on these synthetic sequences exactly match all the labelled haplogroups, with all expected polymorphisms present and zero private mutations found. These sequences were then compiled into a multifasta file.
Phylotree build 17. Phylotree is a hand-curated human mitochondrial tree that is very widely used in the mtDNA research community [43]. Briefly, it contains 5437 nodes with 5179 named haplogroups.
Although the most common, Phylotree is not the only mtDNA tree used by researchers. By default, HaploGrep2 uses a more refined tree by Dür et. al. with an increased number of haplogroup-defining motifs. Phylotree Build 17 was selected to build our graph, rather than the Dür et. al. tree, because it is more widely accepted within the mtDNA community—to our knowledge HaploGrep2 is the only program which makes use of this tree. For instance, it is impossible to use the Dür et. al. tree while running HaploCheck on empirical BAM samples, despite the fact that HaploCheck uses HaploGrep2 for haplogroup classification [44].
In 258 (5437 nodes—5179 named haplogroups) cases a named haplogroup is divided among two nodes in Phylotree, being differentiated by a single polymorphism. In these cases HaploCart does not currently distinguish between the two nodes, considering them to belong to the same haplogroup assignment We believe this is justified because in these cases there is no agreed-upon nomenclature to distinguish the two nodes, so it is more sensible to view them as two subpopulations of the same haplogroup assignment.
To parse the tree structure of Phylotree (for posterior calculations) we use a modified version of a script from the mixemt program repository [19]. In particular we modified their script phylotree.py into a script which produces three TSV files, one file listing the parent clades to each haplogroup assignment, one file listing the children clades to each haplogroup assignment, and one file listing the defining polymorphisms of each haplogroup assignment.
The HaploCart algorithm is not reliant on any particular tree and we expect future versions to support a number of reference trees, potentially including reconstructed ancestral sequences.
A graphical overview of the inference algorithm is provided in Fig 7. Here we provide the mathematical details.
(A): A variation graph with four embedded haplogroups. Each haplogroup sequence can be reconstructed by walking the appropriate nodes of the graph. Suppose we observe three DNA reads (top left). Read 1 is derived unambiguously from the purple haplogroup. Read 2 is equally likely to have come from the purple or red haplogroup. Read 3 could equiprobably have come from any of the four embedded haplogroups. (B) Based on observation of the reads () we compute the posterior probability for each embedded haplogroup hk. In this case the haplogroup which maximizes this quantity is the purple one, which becomes the haplogroup assignment for the sample. (C) HaploCart (optionally) reports the proportion of posterior mass which falls on the assigned haplogroup (purple). It then goes up each ontological level of the tree, up to the mt-MRCA, reporting the proportion of posterior mass for all haplogroups within the relevant clade.
Inference is performed under a maximum-likelihood framework. Let denote our embedded set of haplogroups in the variation graph. Given a set of DNA reads , the goal is to find the haplogroup hk maximizing . Bayes’ Theorem tell us
To mitigate bias against any particular population we employ a uniform prior over all haplogroups in the graph. We remove PCR duplicates as detailed in S1 File. After PCR duplicate removal we can assume reads are independent (and therefore conditionally independent given the underlying haplogroup hk), so we can take the product of probabilities of each read ri conditional on the underlying haplogroup:
Furthermore, since mitochondrial DNA is clonally inherited and no recombinations occurs, we can to a first approximation assume observations of bases are independent (we note that this assumption is not strictly true in regions such as poly-C tracts. However any dependency between bases in a given read should not bias toward any haplogroup or set of haplogroups and we therefore do not expect these dependencies to significantly influence our algorithm). Thus we can further decompose this term into a product over individual bases observed bi,j observed in read ri
Let M denote the event that a given read is correctly mapped, while ¬M is the event that the read is incorrectly mapped. Then we can express this probability as the sum of two disjoint events:
The event ¬M also covers cases in which the read is derived from NuMTs. NuMTs are nuclear pseudogenes of mitochondrial origin which can be difficult to distinguish from genuine mtDNA and can therefore hinder accurate haplogrouping [45]. To mitigate the adverse effect of potential NuMTs in the sample, we assigned weights to each mitogenomic base proportional to the mappability of that base across the nuclear genome (see S1 File for more details).
If the event ¬M has occurred (i.e. the read is incorrectly mapped) the probability of observing a base of the considered read given that the read arose from the putative haplogroup is entirely independent from the base in the graph for this haplogroup, as the alignment is spurious. The probability of observing the base is therefore dictated by the background frequency of bases in the graph (Table C in S1 File).
In the event that the DNA fragment is correctly mapped, we can therefore trust the alignment and any substitution from the haplotype hk in the graph is due to either mutation or sequencing error. However, we do not know the base of the mitochondrial genome from the mitochondrial sample being analyzed. Let us denote the base present in the mitochondrial sample as g. It is possible that a mutation might have occurred between the one from hk and the mitochondrial genome of the sample. Therefore, we marginalize over the four possible nucleotides for bi,j as such: where P[hk → g] denotes the probability that the sample is haplogroup hk and harbors base g at the position in question. This probability is given by where μ is the site-specific mutation rate at the considered mitogenomic position, and generations is the number of generations between the sample and the emergence of the putative haplogroup. We set generations = 8 as an arbitrary hyperparameter since this value is stochastically uncertain and will vary from sample to sample. The transition/transversion rate in human mtDNA is approximately 22 [46]. Therefore since transitions and transversions are mutually exclusive, if we know that a mutation has occurred we assign probability that it is a transition and that it is a transversion. Regardless of the observed base there will be two potential transversions and one potential transition; therefore we divide the probability mass of a transversion equally scross the two possibilities (). The appropriate site-specific mutation rate is determined via a precomputed annotation using the position command from ODGI [47] to surject graph coordinates (nodes, not individual bases) onto the H2a2a1 haplogroup path. In other words, the H2a2a1 path provides a pangenomic coordinate system for the graph, so that each node in the graph maps on to a base in this “reference” path. We use maximum-likelihood-derived estimates of μ from the literature [48]. For simplicity, in protein-coding regions we take a weighted average of the mutation rates for first or second position and final position of the codon.
It is possible that an aligned base is on a node which does not support the haplogroup being evaluated, i.e. the walk through the putative haplogroup never traverses this node. To illustrate, say a reads aligns to a node containing a “C” whereas the node of the haplogroup whose likelihood is being computed contains a “T” on a different node. In this case, that haplogroup incurs a penalty commensurate with mismatch and match of the node’s sequence at the given base quality scores. We note that the penalty for an untraversed node is somewhat arbitrary. In theory this penalty can be learned, but we have found that it has little, if any, affect on inference, so long as it is sufficiently harsh.
As we are assuming that the sample harbors base g at position bi,j, there are two possibilities for what base is observed. Either the base is correctly called by the sequencing machine, or else a sequencing error has occurred. Thus the probability of observing base bi,j is dictated by the quality score for that base,
Here is the probability that a sequencing error has occurred which is computed from the base quality scores according to the usual PHRED scale encoding. For speed, these are precomputed by the program. If no quality scores are provided (i.e. for FASTA input) we employ a fixed background error probability (default 0.0001).
The computation of P[bi,j|hk] is graphically illustrated in Fig 8.
Probability of observing a given nucleobase under the hypothesis that the sample belongs to a particular haplogroup. The rectangular box is the observed base. The probability of no mutation is 1 − π, and the remaining probability mass is distributed with reference to the of human mtDNA. Transitions are shown in green, transversions in blue. We assign probability 1 − ϵ to the event that no sequencing error has occurred. The remaining probability mass is equidistributed across the other three bases which may be the underlying base in the sample. Not all arrows are shown.
Posterior probabilities. Sometimes, for very low coverage data for instance, it may be important to know not just the predicted haplogroup but also an estimate of the confidence in the prediction. For these cases HaploCart optionally performs phylogeny-aware posterior confidence estimation for the predicted haplogroup assignment, as well as for each “depth”, i.e. ontological level up the tree.
As an example, suppose that HaploCart’s most likely assignment is Z3. Recall that
This is the posterior probability that the underlying haplogroup assignment is precisely Z3. The parent haplogroup to Z3 is haplogroup Z which is within the CZ family which itself falls within the M superhaplogroup which in turn is within the L3 superhaplogroup. If we want to know the total posterior probability mass that falls into the subtree with MRCA Z3 (call it ), we simply sum the posteriors over the set of haplogroups within the appropriate clade, i.e. (10) Where X ⊆ Y means that haplogroup X falls within the clade derived from the ancestral haplogroup Y. When computing clade-level posterior probabilities HaploCart will compute this sum for larger and larger subtrees. For example, if the predicted haplogroup is Z3, then HaploCart will report the posterior probability of the sample belonging to Z3, but also to any haplogroup within the parent clade Z, the parent clade to the parent clade CZ, the parent clade to the parent clade to the parent clade M8, and so on. The program assumes the sample originates from a modern human, so the posterior probability of the most ancestral clade (mt-MRCA) is reported to be 1 irrespective of the input.
It is important to note that the reported confidence values implicitly assume that the input sample belongs to one of the haplogroups embedded in the graph, i.e. in Phylotree build 17. These posterior values do not consider the possibility that the underlying haplogroup is out of model. This is why we have observed that, given a sufficient amount of data, the posteriors will approach an equal confidence among N possible haplogroup assignments for some integer N.
Benchmarking HaploCart performance
We tested HaploCart on both in silico and empirical data. Ground truth haplogroup assignments were obtained by either running HaploGrep2 directly on the consensus sequences for simulated FASTA data or via running HaploGrep2 at full coverage for empirical data.
Data generation.
Selection of mitochondrial genomes for benchmarking. We selected 25 consensus FASTA samples from the NCBI Nucleotide Database [49] (see Table A in S1 File for haplogroups and accessions numbers). To ensure independence, these sequences were not embedded in our graph of haplogroups. We attempted to cover a wide range of mitodiversity such that every major clade has some representation to ensure that our results are sufficiently generalized. These FASTA consensus were used both for the FASTA masking experiment and the simulated NGS data in FASTQ format. The HaploCart and HaploGrep2 predictions exactly concorded on 24 of the 25 consensus FASTA input.
The one discordant sample was NCBI accession MN894780, which HaploCart predicted to be haplogroup L1c2 and HaploGrep2 predicted to be haplogroup L1c2b. These two haplogroups differ by three polymorphisms: A11164G, (T16093C), and (G16286A), where the two mutations in parentheses are considered by Phylotree to be unstable/recurrent or uncertain. The sample in question only harbors one of the three mutations. Therefore one cannot say for certain whether this sample was an L1c2 with an extra mutation, or an L1c2b with two back-mutations. Due to this ambiguity in the underlying haplogroup we decided to exclude this sample from our benchmarking.
We further excluded the sample JX154035 of haplogroup H2a2a1 from the benchmarking experiments because we had found that its ground truth haplogroup, H2a2a1, is a prediction the HaploGrep2 algorithm reverts to at low levels of certainty since this is the haplogroup assignment of the mitochondrial reference genome. Including this sample would therefore artificially inflate the performance of HaploGrep2. We therefore had a total of 23 consensus FASTA sequences which were used for the masked FASTA experiment and the simulated NGS data in FASTQ format.
However the sample JX15403 was still used in Fig 6 because it is important to demonstrate the effect of reference bias on HaploGrep2 quality scores.
Consensus FASTA sequences. We investigated robustness to missing data by masking certain bases in the input as to mimic missing data due to lack of breath of coverage or minimal coverage filters being applied for low-coverage samples. As input data, we used the 23 original consensus FASTA sequences described in S1 File. For each multiple of one thousand N ∈ [1000, 16000], we masked an arbitrary contiguous region of N bases in the consensus sequence (potentially spanning the rCRS junction) for each of 100 replicates. This procedure was done for the 23 consensus mitogenomes in FASTA format.
Paired-end FASTQ. Here we describe the procedure for generation of both empirical and simulated paired-end FASTQ samples. Generation of replicates for both the masking and the downsampling experiments was automated with Snakemake [50].
Simulated paired-end FASTQ. We generated paired-end FASTQ simulations from the 23 mitochondrial consensus files in FASTA format for which we know the underlying haplogroup. From these consensus sequences, circular fragments of length 125bp were generated with fragSim from the gargammel using the --circ flag (GitHub commit: 33de7225447f3f6ed014a674deef3191d5da57df) program [51]. These circular fragments were used to generate synthetic paired-end Illumina reads (HiSeq 2500 “HS25” sequencing system). Reads were generated with ART [52] version 2.5.8 at read lengths of 50bp and 100 bp. Subsampling was performed using seqtk version 1.3-r106 at target depths of 0.03X to 0.1X with a step size of 0.1X, as well as 0.2X and 0.3X [53]. 100 replicates were generated per read length per target coverage depth. This workflow was managed using Snakemake and the exact commands can be found in the Snakefile.
For our downsampling experiment on simulated data we interleaved the files with the external script interleave_fastq.sh [54] and passed interleaved FASTQ files directly to HaploCart. Since neither HaploGrep2 nor HaploCheck accepts FASTQ input, we first map interleaved FASTQ files to the rCRS in isolation using bwa mem version 0.7.17-r1188 under default parameters, and then pass the BAM files to HaploCheck [55]. To obtain HaploGrouper predictions on these samples, we used bcftools call using a haploid model to generate a VCF file of called variants using the rCRS as a reference [56].
Empirical paired-end FASTQ. In addition to simulated data we also benchmark HaploCart performance on empirical paired-end whole-genome shotgun data. This data comprised eight Thousand Genomes Project samples from distinct sequencing centers and were selected so as to capture a wide array of human mitodiversity (this is why Africa is intentionally over-represented) [57] (see Table B in S1 File for samples that were used). The data were downloaded as CRAM files from the FTP server at http://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/data_collections/1000_genomes_project/data.
Subsampling on these raw CRAM files was performed across all chromosomes (both nuclear and mitochondrial) with the view command from samtools using subsampling rates from 0.1 to 1.0 inclusive at a step size of 0.1 [58].
Experimental setup.
The metric used for scoring in all experiments was edit (Levenshtein) distance, a standard measure of distance between genomic sequences. In all cases HaploGrep2 classify is run with the --phylotree 17 flag. If the HaploGrep2 prediction was “mt-MRCA” we discarded the sample for scoring purposes. A very small number of Phy-Mer predictions are not in Phylotree build 17 since the program uses an outdated build. In these cases we discard the samples from our experiment. Also, occasionally Phy-Mer will provide multiple predictions, ranked in order of confidence. In these cases we take the top prediction.
For certain applications it may be important to know how well HaploCart can pinpoint the precise haplotypic assignment of the sample, down to very fine granularity. Therefore, in addition to examining the distribution of edit distances between ground truth and predicted haplogroups, we also examined the total number of samples that were precisely identified by the respective programs in both the masking experiment on consensus FASTA data and the downsampling experiments on simulated and empirical paired-end FASTQ data.
Robustness to depth of coverage in simulated and empirical paired-end FASTQ data. For the downsampling experiment we benchmark against the HaploGrep2 algorithm as well as HaploGrouper. Although Phy-Mer purports to run on BAM files, we did not include the program in this experiment since we were unable to get it to run.
The experiment was repeated on the simulated dataset with the inclusion of NuMT sequences at a rate of one NuMT per 200 mitochondrial reads to gauge the efficacy of our NuMT model and see how robust the program is to noise from non-source contributors (See S1 File for more details).
Supporting information
S1 File.
Table A: Ground truth haplogroups of samples using in the downsampling and masking experiments. Haplogroups were determined by running HaploGrep2 classify with the --phylotree 17 flag. Sample JX154035 was excluded from downsampling experiments as described but is still shown in the posterior plots. Table B: Ground truth haplogroups in empirical paired-end FASTQ experiments. Samples were chosen such that each sample comes from a distinct sequencing center and so that the dataset reflects a high degree of geographic diversity. Africa is intentionally over-represented owing to the fact that African populations harbor the majority of the mitodiversity of humans. Table C: Background frequencies of nucleobases in the graph. Values were computed with the ODGI stats -S command. Note that these statistics are on the graph itself, not the embedded haplogroup, meaning that each base is counted once even if it is traversed by multiple embedded paths. Table D: Runtime and Peak Memory Usage on FASTA input. Results are averaged over three input samples (NCBI accessions MZ387838, MW057682, MN894713). Statistics were measured with the command /usr/bin/time -v. User time and wall clock time are reported to two significant digits, while peak memory usage is rounded to the nearest integer. In all cases HaploCart was run in quiet mode (-q) without posterior calculations (-np). Table E: Runtime and Peak Memory Usage on FASTA input. Results are averaged over three input samples (NCBI accessions MZ387838, MW057682, MN894713). Statistics were measured with the command /usr/bin/time -v. User time and wall clock time are reported to two significant digits, while peak memory usage is rounded to the nearest integer. In all cases HaploCart was run in quiet mode (-q) without posterior calculations (-np). Table F: Runtime and Peak Memory Usage on FASTA input. Results are averaged over three input samples (NCBI accessions MZ387838, MW057682, MN894713). Statistics were measured with the command /usr/bin/time -v. User time and wall clock time are reported to two significant digits, while peak memory usage is rounded to the nearest integer. In all cases HaploCart was run in quiet mode (-q) without posterior calculations (-np). Fig BJ: HaploCart Wall clock time (in seconds) as a function of number of threads from one to fifteen. Each point represents the time taken to report haplogroup assignments on the 311 empirical consensus FASTA sequences. HaploCart was run in quiet mode (-q) without computing clade-level posterior probabilities of assignments (-np). Wall clock times were measured with the command /usr/bin/time -v. Table G: Prediction of HaploCart and HaploGrep2 on 311 human mitogenomes used in various publications. Table H: Prediction of HaploCart and HaploGrep2 on consensus FASTA called from ancient BAM files. The raw data was downloaded from the European Nucleotide Archive using accessions found from the Ancient mtDNA Database(AmtDB). To call a consensus we ran the command angsd doFasta 2 -minq 25 -minmapq 25 -uniqueonly 1 -doCounts 1 -seed 42. This was called on the original raw BAM file, i.e. not remapped to the mitochondria. The estimates for the age of the samples are in years before present and were found in the supplementary of the original publications. Table I: Prediction of HaploCart and HaploGrep2 on ancient BAM files at full coverage. The prediction on the consensus is provided again for comparison. If there was a disagreement for this prediction, a ‘/’ is used to denote the 2 different calls. Table J: Prediction of HaploCart and HaploGrep2 on ancient BAM files at target coverage depths of 0.5X, 1X, and 2X on the mitochondria. These results suggest that HaploCart is able to return more precise predictions on low-coverage ancient data due to its more sensitive mapping and its obviation of reference bias towards the rCRS (which has haplogroup H2a2a1). ‘N/A’ denotes cases where 2X coverage is greater than the mean coverage of the full sample. Fig A: Total Number of Exactly Correct Predictions as a Function of the Number of Contiguous Masked Bases on Consensus FASTA Input. Counts are provided for HaploCart, Phy-Mer, and HaploGrep2. HaploCart outperforms the other two programs from 2Kb up to 16Kb. Fig B: Total number of predictions and call rates on simulated paired-end FASTQ data. [TOP] Total number of predictions on the simulated replicates which exactly match the underlying haplogroup, as determined by running HaploCheck at full coverage. [BOTTOM] Call rates (i.e. proportion of samples for which a haplogroup assignment is provided by the program). For each window, HaploCart outperforms HaploGrep2 and HaploGrouper by providing more reliable haplogroup assignments at a higher call rate. Fig C: Simulated Paired-end Downsampled FASTQ Samples at Varying Posterior Thresholds. Distribution of log edit (Levenshtein) distances on the simulated paired-end FASTQ dataset at three different lower thresholds (0, 0.3, 0.99) on the HaploCart posterior probability of the haplogroup assignment. No threshold is applied to HaploGrep2 or HaploGrouper. We observe a clear improvement in the edit distances of the most anomalous predictions as the threshold increases, which demonstrates the utility of HaploCart posterior probabilities for use in quality control. Fig D: Masking Experiment on Consensus FASTA Input at Varying Posterior Thresholds. Distribution of edit (Levenshtein) distances on the masked consensus FASTA dataset at three different lower thresholds (0, 0.3, 0.99) on the HaploCart posterior probability of the haplogroup assignment. No threshold is applied to HaploGrep2 or Phy-Mer. We observe a clear improvement in the edit distance distribution for HaploCart as the threshold increases, demonstrating the utility of HaploCart posterior probabilities for use in quality control. Fig E: Distribution of Log Edit Distances between Ground Truth and Predicted Haplogroups on Simulated FASTQ Data Distribution of edit (Levenshtein) distances between assigned and underlying haplogroup of replicates from the simulated dataset. Central line represent the arithmetic mean of the distribution. For each window, HaploCart outperforms HaploGrep2 and HaploGrouper at all coverage windows as evidenced by the mean of the distributions. Note that unlike HaploGrep2 and HaploGrouper, HaploCart makes a prediction if even a single read maps to the graph. Fig F: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig G: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig H: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig I: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig J: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig K: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig L: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig M: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig N: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig O: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig P: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig Q: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig R: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig S: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig T: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig U: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig V: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig W: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig X: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig Y: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig Z: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AA: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AB: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AC: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AD: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads. NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AE: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AF: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AG: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AH: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AI: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AJ: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AK: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AL: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AM: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AN: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AO: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AP: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AQ: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AR: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AS: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AT: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AU: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AV: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AW: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AX: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AY: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig AZ: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BA: Clade-level posterior probabilities of haplogroup assignment on simulated paired-end FASTQ data with added NuMT reads (CONTINUED). NuMT reads were included at a rate of one in 200. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BB: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data. Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BC: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BD: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BE: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BF: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BG: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BH: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups. Fig BI: Clade-level posterior probabilities on empirical paired-end FASTQ data (CONTINUED). Each lineplot represents the mean over replicates at a fixed depth on the mitochondrial tree. The darker the line, the more basal the haplogroups.
We would like to thank the Department of Healthtech at DTU for usage of the Healthtech Cluster.
We would like to thank Daniel Caleb Remero Yianni for his help with the web application and maintenance of computational infrastructure. We would also like to thank Viviane Slon and Ana T. Duggan for their valuable comments on the manuscript. Finally we would like to thank Nanna Elmstedt Bild for her help in creating our graphical illustration of the HaploCart inference algorithm.
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