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Showing 1 - 13 of 492

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Bifurcation, chaos, and stability analysis to the second fractional WBBM model

Mohammad Safi Ullah, M. Zulfikar Ali, Harun-Or Roshid

A supervised multiclass framework for mineral classification of Iberian beads

Daniel Sanchez-Gomez, Carlos P. Odriozola Lloret,  [ ... ], Victor S. Gonçalves

On new common fixed point theorems via bipolar fuzzy b-metric space with their applications

J. Uma Maheswari, K. Dillibabu,  [ ... ], Miguel Vivas-Cortez

Metasurface-based dual-sense circularly polarized antenna for MIMO/full-duplex applications

Duc-Nguyen Tran-Viet, Hong Nguyen Tuan,  [ ... ], Hung Tran-Huy

Are hotspots and frequencies of heat waves changing over time? Exploring causes of heat waves in a tropical country

Md. Mostafizar Rahman, Md. Abdul Mannan,  [ ... ], Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam

Analysis of perturbed Boussinesq equation via novel integrating schemes

Miguel Vivas-Cortez, Saima Arshed,  [ ... ], Komal Saeed

Nonlinear Fourier classification of 663 rogue waves measured in the Philippine Sea

Yu-Chen Lee, Markus Brühl, Dong-Jiing Doong, Sander Wahls

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